B4A Library ContactsUtils v2.00 : redesigned, recoded and enhanced new version - Alain75    Jun 04, 2023   (16 reactions) Hi everybody, I worked a lot on ContactsUtils library (from @walt61) since my last post at the end of January. I redesigned, recoded and enhanced the library. Below is a summary of the modifications: Initialize has now 4 (string) parameterswhich can all be passed empty: AccountType and AccountNa B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] xChart Class and b4xlib - klaus    Jul 10, 2024   (103 reactions) EDIT: 2023.02.12 Version 9.4
Added SetZoomSteps(SmallStep As Int, BigStep As Int) method
Added ZoomLeftButtonClick, ZoomRightButtonClick, ZoomLeftAreanClick and ZoomRightAreaClick events
Added ZoomSmallStep, ZoomBigStep, ZoomBeginIndex, ZoomEndIndex and ZoomNbVisiblePoints properties read only
Amend B4A Question Best way to display app current version/release - lemonisdead (first post)    Jun 09, 2019   (3 reactions) Hello,
By using :
.VersionCode B4A Question Recognize BlueStack emulator - Addo (first post)    Apr 10, 2019 * * @return the screen display id */ public String getScreenDisplayID() { String result = initialVal; try { WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) BA.applicationContext.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); Display display = wm.getDefaultDisplay(); result = String.v B4A Question [SOLVED] - View to display gauge or digital display for showing time - rleiman (first post)    Dec 26, 2020   (3 reactions) "CancelTheSong")
CallSubDelayed(ServiceModule, "PlayTheSong")
CallSubDelayed(ServiceModule, "StartSleepTimer")
End If
End Sub
'version 2.00
#DesignerProperty: Key: MinValue, DisplayName: Min Value, FieldType: Float, DefaultValue: 0
#DesignerProperty: Key: MaxValue, DisplayName: B4J Library jSystem Information (lib) - behnam_tr    Aug 10, 2024   (11 reactions) {"name":"Windows 11","version":"10.0","arch":"amd64","country":"US","language":"en","displayCountry":"United States","displayLanguage":"English","displayTimeZone":"GMT+03:30","timeZone":"GMT+03:30","displayDateTime":"09/08/2024 02:35:28","hostName":"PcHome","serialNumber":"00330-80000-00000-AA699"," B4A Library Firebase Email/Password authentication - Addo (first post)    Mar 01, 2022 i have downloaded version 1.4 still pass only two parameters displayname and photourl doesnt found in the parameters B4A Question B4A Designer can't install update. - Sagenut (first post)    Mar 31, 2023   (2 reactions) That is the VersionName. Look at the beginning of Main #Region Module Attributes #FullScreen: False #IncludeTitle: True #ApplicationLabel: B4A-Bridge #VersionCode: 32 'Check this line in your project #VersionName: 2.65 #SupportedOrientations: unspecified #CanInstallToE B4A Question Controlling #VersionName: in B4A - Kiumbe    May 31, 2023 Hello,
I want to auto increment version name of the app for easier tracking and maintenance, I came across this Tutorial that has guided me very well to achieve my goal, however, when I read the value of the version from the compiletime.txt file and store the version in a string variable and try to B4A Library SoundMeter - Real Time display of Sound Level (dB) - Johan Schoeman    Mar 31, 2018   (37 reactions) It is a wrap for this Github project. I have combined the attached B4A project with this line chart. Sure you will figure it out. Do at least the following: 1. Extract b4aLibraryFiles.zip and copy the library files to your additional libs folder 2. Extract DemoRes.zip and copy the folder and its co Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |