B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] Gauge View - Erel    Dec 24, 2017   (51 reactions) This custom view class is compatible with B4A, B4J and B4i.
A nice and simple gauge.
You can easily customize it as needed.
It uses the Crystal font: http://www.fontspace.com/allen-r-walden/crystal
There are two types of gauges: half circle and full circle.
Usage instructions:
- Add the cla B4J Library [B4X] SD Gauge - Star-Dust    Oct 11, 2022   (17 reactions) 134633 aSD_Gauge Author: Star-Dust Version: 1.02 SDGaugeView Fields: BorderBallDepth As Int ColorBorderBall As Int mBase As B4XView MinimumFractions As Int Stroke As Float Tag As Object Functions: Class_Globals As String DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As Stri B4J Tutorial Medusa Gauges (with inline Java Code) - Johan Schoeman    Oct 30, 2021   (15 reactions) Initialize(Me, "mg1")
mg1.Animanted = True
mg1.GaugeTitle = "Speed"
mg1.GaugeTitleColor = fx.Colors.Red
mg1.GaugeUnit = "Km/h"
mg1.GaugeUnitColor = fx.Colors.Magenta
mg1.GaugeDecimals = 1
mg1.GaugeAnimationDuration = 500
Dim gval As Double = 40.0
mg1.GaugeVa B4A Question Gauge view change color at runtime - Chris2 (first post)    Oct 27, 2022   (1 reaction) I don't think you can do it with the 'out of the box' version of Gauge View.
But it's just a custom view class, so you can make a copy and amend it to suit your needs. Share My Creation dashboard - Mr Blue Sky    Jul 02, 2024   (23 reactions) ParseInt(value, 16) = 1 Then
End If
Case "0123" 'GAUGE %
Case "0130" 'FUEL GAUGE
xFuelGauge.Value = B4A Question Gauge View - klaus (first post)    May 31, 2023   (2 reactions) There exist also other gauges, xGauges b4xlib, which have a Click and LongClick event. B4A Question Question about [B4X] [XUI] Gauge View - ThePuiu (first post)    Dec 05, 2019   (2 reactions) yes, it is!
Gauge.SetRanges(Array(Gauge.CreateRange(30, 80, xui.Color_Green), _
Gauge.CreateRange(80, 100, xui.Color_Red),Gauge.CreateRange(0, 30, xui.Color_Red))) B4i Question Gauge: Color issue on blue background - voxel    Jun 17, 2022 Hello, I use the Gauge library and I have a color problem with my app which has a blue background. The colors of the Gauge are not good, I have the impression because they are transparent with the background. I tried all Gaude parameters in the Designer without success. Here is the actual code on th B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] xGauges and xGaugesRect Classes and Libraries - klaus (first post)    Jun 21, 2024   (1 reaction) You have the properties GaugeTitle and GaugeUnit, you can change their value in the Designer.
Sorry, I uploaded an older version.
Uploaded the new one in post#1. B4i Question My 1st iOS Questions. Background BLE2 reading (long running Task), Graph Libraries - DonManfred (first post)    Feb 08, 2020   (1 reaction) For sure you are right. It is apropiate for the Gauge. Thank you for reminding me ;-) Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |