B4A Question Stuck When Get JobDone - OliverA (first post)    May 28, 2020   (2 reactions) Yes. You cannot get the IMEI number programmatically under Android 10. The method available in B4a will return an empty string B4A Question Extract Serial Number from a Galaxy S8 with Android 9 - Erel (first post)    May 16, 2019   (1 reaction) My previous answer was not 100% correct. You can get the IMEI with PhoneId. However it requires requesting the relatively sensitive READ_PHONE_STATE permission. B4A Question Device ID - ilan (first post)    Dec 27, 2022 you can try to use the IMEI that is unique for each device:
https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/get-phone-imei.36285/#content B4A Question java.lang.SecurityException: getDeviceId - marcick (first post)    Jun 07, 2019   (1 reaction) PhoneId.GetDeviceId returns a number, I see that my code convert it in HEX format, but this is not a problem, ok.
All my apps (hundreds of customers) are registered on my server with their IMEI and I use IMEI to identify cisomer, to send notification.
If suddenly the app can't read IMEI I must forc B4A Question Alternative to IMEI as obtaining unique identifier - Sergio Castellari    Aug 13, 2021 Hello,
Until Android 8 version, you could get IMEI as unique identifier. With the Android 10 version you can no longer. What can be the alternative to get a unique identifier? Greetings B4A Question IMEI for activation of an application - BillMeyer (first post)    May 17, 2018   (2 reactions) The question (preemptive maybe) is that "Can one use an IMEI number in a security system ?"
Yes. If you apply your mind to it. My current solution is as follows (this forum is a good place to find all the items mentioned below)
I have a CKVS server setup, as well as jRDC2 and MQTT and a MySQL serv B4i Question Get iOS device IMEI - winjiadh (first post)    Dec 26, 2016 Oh I see,I change the code like this
Dim Device1 As NativeObject
Device1 = Device1.Initialize("UIDevice").RunMethod("currentDevice", Null)
is very fine
but how B4i Question Get UDID Programmatically - What's wrong with this code? - hatzisn (first post)    Dec 30, 2018   (1 reaction) That is correct. When I uninstalled the application and changed the code to the following and reinstalled it I got "16DigitsHexadecimal-16DigitsHexadecimal" (seems that the only correct way to identify a device is IMEI) : (Just added ".AsString" to the return of the native object) Sub GetUDID As S B4A Question IMEI - What is wrong with this code? - Erel (first post)    Jan 03, 2019   (1 reaction) You should use PhoneId.GetDeviceId.
Make sure to request the permission at runtime. B4A Tutorial [B4x]Send Firebase-Message via php - KMatle    Sep 15, 2019   (12 reactions) To get the contents of "message": Dim mess As String = Message.GetData.Get("message") 5. Improvements Just call the php via httputils to send a message. Usually you have more than one device and you do't know the tokens. So you need to store the token and some other unique identifier (email addr Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |