B4J Library [B4X] KVS2 / KeyValueStore 2 - Simple & Powerful Local Datastore - Erel    Jul 16, 2020   (41 reactions)   tags: Database, 2, B4X, KeyValueStore, MapColl Recommended to use the newer b4xlib: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-kvs2-keyvaluestore2-library.120234/
KeyValueStore is a persistent key/value based data store. It is similar to... (a list that holds maps for example).
KeyValueStore depends on the following libraries: SQL...)
Note that starting from B4A v8.0 KeyValueStore2 is included as an internal library.... B4A Library [B4X] KVS - KeyValueStore library - Erel    Jul 21, 2021   (29 reactions) be object or bytes
This library is named KeyValueStore. There is an older library named KeyValueStore2... B4A Tutorial KeyValueStore class - Simple and efficient key/value data store - Erel    Feb 17, 2016   (16 reactions)   tags: KeyValueStore KeyValueStore v2 is available here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-keyvaluestore-2..., HashMap...). The main difference is that the store is persisted in the file system.
KeyValueStore....WriteObject or WriteEncryptedObject to save collections and user types.
Using KeyValueStore is similar to using a Map:
Sub Process_Globals
Private kvs As KeyValueStore
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create... B4J Library KeyValueStore class - Erel    Feb 17, 2016   (2 reactions) This is a port of this class: http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/keyvaluestore-class-simple-and-efficient-key-value-data-store.26317/ Note that you need to add the following attribute to your project: #AdditionalJar: sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2 If you want to use PutEncryptedObject.../android/forum/threads/share-encrypted-data-with-b4a.35482/#content KeyValueStore v2 is available here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-keyvaluestore-2-simple-powerful-local-datastore.63633/... Share My Creation [B4X] B4X Pleroma - open source client for Mastodon / Pleroma social networks - Erel    Nov 4, 2020   (15 reactions) What is Mastodon? IPSbNdBmWKE Pleroma is a lightweight implementation that extends Mastodon. B4X Pleroma is a client for these social networks. More information here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/119426/#content It is based on quite a few B4X components including: BCTextEngine, BitmapCreator, MiniHtmlParser, OkHttpUtils2, OAuth, KeyValueStore, XUI Views, B4XPages, B4XDrawer, B4XGifView, B4XPreferencesDialog, BCToast, xCustomListView, BitmapsAsync, RequestsManager and... B4A Question [B4X] [XUI] AS Settings KeyValueStore - wimpie3    Oct 9, 2024 I've seen that AS Settings uses the KeyValueStore to save the data. Is there a way to import/export these settings and store them in my own database, without passing through the KeyValueStore... B4A Question SSL Websocket client - LucaMs    Jan 18, 2018   (1 reaction) Trying to connecting to my websocket server: closed javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: SSL handshake aborted: ssl=0x63a133b0: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure (external/openssl/ssl/s23_clnt.c:741 0x61803166:0x00000000) Libraries used: client: WebSocket 2.00 server: jServer 2.80 The server starts and it is reachable (ping). I suppose that if the server SslConfiguration (and the keyvaluestore... B4A Question Invalid double: "null" after updating KeyValueStore - LucaMs    Jan 9, 2018 I was using an "old" version of KeyValueStore. Having found this problem: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/posts/557508/ I replaced the old class with the latest one (and replaced all PutSimple and GetSimple with Put and Get). Running the project, I get: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid double: "null" 63549 executing the assignment LastVersion = Version(0) (as you can see LastVersion is a string variable so this does not make sense ). KeyValueStore is not... B4A Question B4xPages problem in KeyValueStore - marcick    Sep 13, 2023 I'm porting a B4A app to B4xPages version.
I see in KeyValueStore that the method... file generated with the old B4A app, I have an error
Error occurred on line: 25 (KeyValueStore)
java... B4i Library [class] KeyValueStore - Erel    Nov 6, 2014   (3 reactions) B4i implementation of KeyValueStore. KeyValueStore class makes it simple to save and retrieve objects from a key/value store. See this tutorial for more information: http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/26317/#content WriteEnctypredObject / ReadEncryptedObject are currently not implemented. Note that this module doesn't work with the current beta.... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |