B4A Question Send an email - JohnC (first post)    Oct 22, 2019   (3 reactions) Yes, there are three different methods:
1) Send an email using the user's own gmail account: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-sending-emails-with-gmail-rest-api.81736/#content
2) Send an email using SMTP: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-net-library-ftp-smtp-pop-with-wait- B4A Tutorial [B4X] Sending emails with Gmail REST API - Erel    Jul 17, 2017   (38 reactions) This solution is compatible with B4A, B4J and B4i.
Up until now there were two ways to send emails:
1. Using the default mobile app which required the user to actually send the message (available in B4A and B4i).
2. Using SMTP from the Net library. This required the user to enter the email account B4A Question Send an email in background - jahswant (first post)    Nov 22, 2020   (4 reactions) Length - 1
#end if
#if debug
#End If
SMTP1.Sender = SenderAdr
Log("SenderAdr = "&SenderAdr)
SMTP1.Subject = Subj
Log("SenderAdr = "&Subj)
SMTP1.Body = B4J Code Snippet Send Mail via VBScript/PowerShell from B4J via local installed Outlook 20x/365 - KMatle    Jan 17, 2024   (8 reactions) This is a small example how to send Emails via VBScript/Powershell via Outlook (must be installed on your pc!). Works on Outlook 365, too. The B4J App has two buttons (VBScript or PowerShell), creates the related scripts and executes them. You can add more parameters like to send attachements. See B4i Code Snippet [B4x] Send SMS (Text Message), Dial Number, Send Email B4A and B4i - Code Snippets - MrKim    Oct 09, 2021   (11 reactions) Is your email set up?", "Can't Send Email")
Dim su As StringUtils
If MP.GroupCmboTxt.EqualsIgnoreCase("Show All") Then
Main.App.OpenURL($"mailto:?to=${Src.Text}&subject=${su.EncodeUrl(Dlookup("SELECT GroupName FROM PList WHERE ID = " & MP.Selected B4J Tutorial [BANano] Send Emails using PHP (Without Attachments) - Mashiane    Sep 04, 2024   (2 reactions) 'build code to send email
'to send email via gmail, you need to set less secure apps on https://myaccount.google.com/
Sub BuildSendEmail(fromEmail As String, toEmail As String, ccEmail As String, subject As String, message As String) As Map
message = message.replace(CRLF,"|")
Dim Se As Map = B4A Question send email using gmail - DonManfred (first post)    Sep 04, 2024 clientid is NOT meant to be the api key
Use your CLIENTID B4A Question Send email through app - NJDude (first post)    Jul 07, 2016   (2 reactions) If you want your app to send the email then do what DonManfred suggested, if you want to use the installed email client, then just use an intent, the easiest way is using the intent. B4A Question send mail with attachment - zed (first post)    Sep 08, 2024 Using an Email object you can create an intent that holds a complete email message.
You can then launch the email application by calling StartActivity. Note that the email will not be sent automatically. The user will need to press on the send button.
Dim Message As Email
Message.To.Add("So B4A Question Sending an email - AndreyPozdnyakov    Apr 14, 2023 As the application runs, I send an email.
email.Subject = "Program crashed"
email.Body = sBody
I need to wait for the email sending process to complete before my application can continue.
How can I tell if an email has already been sent?
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