Italian Come realizzare interfaccia utente 'autoadattante' ? - LucaMs (first post)    Feb 16, 2023   (1 reaction) IsTablet = (GetDeviceLayoutValues.ApproximateScreenSize > 6.5) B4A Question Cross-platform grid code: B4A is not equal B4J - peacemaker (first post)    Apr 28, 2024 GetDeviceLayoutValues.Scale = 2.8125 B4A Question "Real" Screen Height - Erel (first post)    Feb 07, 2016   (2 reactions) GetDeviceLayoutValues does include the system bar (the top bar above the title). It doesn't include the bottom bar with the home key that is available on some of the devices. B4A Question getDeviceLayoutValues - klaus (first post)    Jan 28, 2017   (2 reactions) MyScale = GetDeviceLayoutValues.Scale
returns a Float. B4A Question lv.ApproximateScreenSize return value - klaus (first post)    Mar 28, 2019   (2 reactions) You can replace:
Dim lv As LayoutValues
lv = GetDeviceLayoutValues
simply by this, as DonManfred already showed:
You can use GetDeviceLayoutValues directly, no need to Dim a LayoutValues object. German Werte im Designer auslesen - klaus (first post)    Apr 22, 2019   (1 reaction) Ja.
Mit GetDeviceLayoutValues.Height bekommst Du die Höhe des Bildschirms.
Mit 100%y bekommst Du die für dein Programm verfügbare Bildschirmhöhe.
Auf meinem Samsung Galaxy S8 bekomme ich folgendes:
Mit den beiden oberen Zeilen.
Wenn die untere Navigation Bar aktiv ist:
GetDeviceLayoutValues.Height = B4A Library [B4X] BCTextEngine / BBCodeView - Text engine + BBCode parser + Rich Text View - William Lancee (first post)    Jun 06, 2019   (1 reaction) Log(GetDeviceLayoutValues) ==> 1536 x 2048, scale = 2.0 (320 dpi)
After updating the BCTextEngine.b4xlib and BitMapCreator library everything works beautifully.
Thanks. I am looking forward to using this new way of layout.
W B4A Tutorial [B4X] [XUI] Creating custom views with XUI - klaus (first post)    Apr 10, 2018   (2 reactions) You should use GetDeviceLayoutValues in B4A only, for a conversion from pixels to dip values. The GetDeviceLayoutValues method doesn't exist in B4i nor in B4J.
No, the name DipToCurrent is correct because it converts a dip value into a pixel value.
In B4i you don't need the conversion, it is done B4A Question Confusion about GetDeviceLayoutValues.Scale - hung    Jul 03, 2024 I am using a webview to draw html report then capture as bitmap to print on pdf.
I tried using px, rem, pt to set font size but the result are different in phone and tablet. For same font size, e.g. size=16px, phone draws smaller while tablet draws bigger.
I call GetDeviceLayoutValues.Scale, based B4A Question Screen size - SoyEli (first post)    Feb 16, 2020 I used "GetDeviceLayoutValues" to get device info, and got; Width = 360 Height = 692 Scale = 3 So I think your right Klaus, It would stretch it vertically and wouldn't look right. I guess I'm just going to try to ignore the bottom blank space. Thank you for your help. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |