B4J Library {B4X] A class to draw on canvas many types of arrows at any angle. - William Lancee    Aug 24, 2022   (19 reactions) Let me know if I missed an edge case.
Note: if you need the arrow as an image, you can get the bitmap from the canvas.
132973 B4J Question Strange error: ...Canvas cannot be cast to ...Pane - Erel (first post)    Dec 15, 2022   (1 reaction) No. This is how Canvas works in JavaFX. It is a separate node. B4J Library jCanvasExt Extends Canvas methods - klaus    Aug 27, 2023   (20 reactions) SetScaleX (scaleX As Double)
Scales the x axis of the entire Canvas.
SetScaleY (scaleY As Double)
Scales the y axis of the entire Canvas.
SetStroke (Color As Paint) As String
Sets the stroke (line) color
SetTransform (mxx As Double, myx As Double, mxy As Double, myy As Double, mxt As Double, myt As B4J Question [B4XPages] Canvas Question - klaus (first post)    Nov 12, 2023   (2 reactions) In B4J a 'standard' Canvas is a node (view in B4A) like other user interface nodes and can be added in the Designer.
In B4A and B4i a Canvas is a Drawing object but not a view. and cannot be added in the Designer.
B4XCavas works the dame way, also in B4J, you need to declare it in the code and assig B4J Question Canvas!!! ARRRGGHH!!! I'm losing my mind! - Erel (first post)    Oct 30, 2023   (2 reactions) Why not put the two views inside a panel and take a snapshot of the panel?
Remember that in B4J the canvas is actually a view by itself. I'm not sure whether it is related or not to the problem you encounter. Share My Creation GoogleMapsDemo - klaus    Apr 30, 2024   (22 reactions) In the VIDEO you see red lines for the cursor, these lines are drawn onto the first Canvas. You see red lines between the current point and the previous point during drawing, these lines are drawn onto the second Canvas. When you click to insert a point the current shape is drawn in blue, these line B4J Question ABMCanvas - alwaysbusy (first post)    Sep 20, 2023   (1 reaction) That is how a HTML5 canvas works. When you resize it, it clears and you have to redraw. If the last parameter in the initialize = true, then it 'resizes' (responsive). It does however 'scale' (does not make it a bigger or smaller canvas with more drawing estate). B4J Question Canvas.DrawImage2 fails with large pixel images - Erel (first post)    Jan 12, 2023   (1 reaction) Not exactly related but there is no relation between the file size and the memory required to load the image. The memory required is about 4 * width * height.
I don't have any good workaround to suggest other than to use small image files or disable hardware acceleration. My guess is that you will B4J Code Snippet Draw text with outline - kimstudio    Jun 10, 2022   (10 reactions) Use javafx canvas to draw text with outline. Better to use CanvasExt lib from @klaus but the working principle is the same. To make fancy text you can also use Graphiclib by @stevel05. Some libs released several years ago are gems. B4J Question Java3D on B4J Powerful Object Oriented 3D API, problem with JavaObject - max123    May 08, 2024   (8 reactions) )
' Dim config As GraphicsConfiguration = SimpleUniverse.getPreferredConfiguration()
' Canvas = New Canvas3D(config) ' Create a Canvas3D using the preferred configuration
' Ceate an OpenGL 3D accelerated Canvas using the preferred graphics configuration for the default screen (. or this)
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