B4A Question Error: StatusCode=400, version 0 of the API is not supported - Lyndon Bermoy (first post)    Jan 27, 2015 dropbox.sync.android.DbxFileSystem.open(DbxFileSystem.java:901) at com.dropbox.sync.android.DbxFileSystem.create(DbxFileSystem.java:869) at anywheresoftware.b4a.dropbox.DbxAccountManagerWrapper.getFile(DbxAccountManagerWrapper.java:150) at anywheresoftware.b4a.dropbox.DbxAccountManagerWrapp B4A Question sending message to waiting queue (OnActivityResult) - Lyndon Bermoy    Jan 28, 2015 Sub Process_Globals
Private manager As DbxAccountManager
Private key As String = "6sfz1ltyhf4a519"
Private secret As String = "4n6nu9khg2btsq9"
End Sub
Sub Globals
Private Button1 As Button
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
If FirstTime Then
manager.Initialize(key, B4A Question [Discontinued] Dropbox-Sync-Library Reloaded - BETA-release - DonManfred    Apr 02, 2015   (9 reactions) LocalDir / LocalFile - The local file.
GetAccount As Map
GetLinkedAccount As DbxAccount
GetLinkedAccounts As List
Initialize (AppKey As String, AppSecret As String, EventName As String, setdebug As Boolean)
Initializes the object.
AppKey - The app key from Dropbox developer console.
AppSecret - The B4A Question Upload a file to Dropbox - DonManfred (first post)    Apr 30, 2019   (1 reaction) try it with upload2.
Upload will add a NEW file (Writemode.ADD)
Upload2 will update an existing file too (Writemode.UPDATE)
dbxFiles.upload2(path, filename, "/BeKa.Transport/" & filename,False,True, "1234567890") B4A Question Sub dbxfiles_uploadfinished signature does not match expected signature - DonManfred (first post)    Dec 16, 2023   (2 reactions) try change it to
Sub dbxFiles_UploadFinished(success As Boolean, metaObj As Object, info As String, localpath As String, localfilename As String)
Dim meta As FileMetadata = metaObj
Log($"dbxFiles_UploadFinished(${success} Localpath ${localpath} -> Localfilename ${localfilename} -> ${meta})"$ B4A Tutorial Dropbox SDK V2 - Uploading big files to Dropbox - DonManfred    May 20, 2018   (4 reactions) This Tutorial will show you all needed Code to do Uploads to Dropbox. Requirement for this tutorial: you need to have your App Dropbox-ready (see Tutorial I - Authentification). Asuming you already have your app setup and you already have a accesstoken and Dropbox is initialized fully. There are B4A Question Dropbox V2 Problem dbxFiles_CreateFolder and dbxFiles_UploadFinished - zed    Nov 24, 2023 public static anywheresoftware.b4a.pc.RemoteObject b4a.AuthDropbox.b4xmainpage_subs_0._dbxfiles_createfolder(anywheresoftware.b4a.pc.RemoteObject,anywheresoftware.b4a.pc.RemoteObject,anywheresoftware.b4a.pc.RemoteObject,anywheresoftware.b4a.pc.RemoteObject) throws java.lang.Exception class anywhere B4A Library Dropbox SDK V2 - Java - DonManfred (first post)    Dec 21, 2023   (4 reactions) meta As Map, error As String)
End Sub
Sub dbxFiles_Restore(success As Boolean, meta As FileMetadata, error As String)
End Sub
Sub dbxFiles_UploadFinished(success As Boolean, meta As FileMetadata, error As String)
End Sub
Sub dbxUsers_getAccount(account As BasicAccount)
Log($"dbxUsers_getA B4A Question Help!!! PostMultipart Video Files to server using WaitFor and Php - Mashiane (first post)    Sep 02, 2017   (1 reaction) filename,"nophoto.png")
'get the file and process it
Dim fLoc As String
fLoc = File.Combine(File.DirRootExternal,"Videos/" & filename)
If File.Exists("",fLoc) = True Then
'upload the file to the server
modMashiane.sh B4J Library Dropbox SDK V2 - DonManfred (first post)    May 21, 2018   (4 reactions) Uploading of Big Files
Sub Button1_Click
Dim filename As String = "bremen.map"
Dim path As String = "E:\OSM"
dbxFiles.uploadsession(path,filename,File.Size(path,filename),0,"","/testupload4j/", dbxFiles.WriteModeOVERWRITE)
End Sub
The Corresponding Events are as follows
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