B4A Question BlueTooth How to get the connected device name - GMan    Aug 30, 2017 Depending on the connected device my App should show a different start screen.
How can i get the name of that device in B4A to play with ?... B4A Question Getting the name of the connected Bluetooth device - techgreyeye (first post)    Mar 16, 2022   (1 reaction) .Target = workingsocket
ref.target = ref.RunMethod("getRemoteDevice")
connectedDevice = ref.RunMethod("getName")
Log(LastException... B4A Question How do I get current devices BlueTooth Friendly Name? - BarrySumpter (first post)    Aug 1, 2012 p As Phone
myDevice = "Device/phone ID: " & p.GetSettings("android_id"...)
Dim BTName As String
BTName = "BTName: " & Serial1.Name
Msgbox("ipAdddress: " & MyLan.GetMyIP & CRLF & myDevice & CRLF & mymac & CRLF...Serial.name
'Activity module
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables... B4A Library [B4X] BLE 2 - Bluetooth Low Energy - Erel    Jan 4, 2023   (28 reactions)   tags: Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, BLE ://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/ble-bluetooth-low-energy-library.46099/#content Tips &... of an unconnected device. - The AdvertisingData map in DeviceFound event holds pairs of integers....BLUETOOTH_SCAN) AddPermission(android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT) And requesting at runtime: Dim...("android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN", "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT", rp... B4J Library (b4j)[juuid] Get Unique hardware ID - behnam_tr    Aug 10, 2024   (18 reactions) modification Changed Lib Name to juuid (jpadina deprecated) added Get_MachineID2 added Email Validation... Get_MotherBoardName Get_AllMacIds Get_GpuName Get_GpuID Get_RandomUuid updated v2.5 Added... Get_BiosVersion added OS_Name updated v2.7 check the disk free space of a partition > getFreeSpace("C....OS_SerialNumber) Log("MainBoard Name : "&p.Get_MotherBoardName) Log("CPU Name : "&p.Get_CPUName) Log("CPU Cores : "&p.Get_CPUCores) Log... B4A Tutorial [B4XPages] Bluetooth Chat Example - Erel    Jun 22, 2023   (24 reactions) /android-bluetooth-bluetoothadmin-tutorial.14768/#content. The code is much simpler compared to the previous example. Note that you can call Serial.Listen without making the device discoverable. This is useful for cases where the devices were already paired once. Updates: - Example updated with targetSdkVersion 33. Note the new method to enable Bluetooth if needed. - Example updated....permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) AddPermission(android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE) AddPermission... B4A Tutorial Android Bluetooth / BluetoothAdmin Tutorial - Erel    Aug 31, 2020   (17 reactions) -bluetooth-chat-example.119014/#content Tutorial was rewritten in April 2018. We will create a chat example between two Android devices. All the non-UI code is implemented in a class named BluetoothManager... for searching other devices and one for listening for connections. Searching other devices requires....ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) Sub btnSearchForDevices_Click rp.CheckAndRequest(rp... If Starter.Manager.SearchForDevices End Sub The second button sends an intent to the OS to make... B4i Tutorial Dummies Guide to Getting Started with B4i - Falcon    Aug 11, 2021   (40 reactions) first be obtained - see the 'GET UDID'S OF DEVICES' section below. 1. From... 'GET UDID'S OF DEVICES' section, into the 'Device ID (UDID)' text box and give the Device a Name in the 'Device Name' textbox, then click 'Continue'. 5. Now click... that Profile. ----------------------------------------------------- GET UDID'S OF DEVICES... on the test Device - see 'COMPILING / GETTING IPA FILE' above. Then use one... B4i Question Tutorial for localization of app name ? - tufanv    Aug 2, 2016 Hello, With the release note of 2.80 , we have a chance to localize the app name. Does someone know how to do it ? TY... B4A Question Get unique id for user - webhost.company    Nov 9, 2020 According to Android rules, We cannot use android_id or device_id or mac_address in new version android As well, Use sms is not good idea for this Please suggest to me for use unique id in each device for user I need to it for use payment and other Thanks... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |