Bug? Strange behavior of the scroll bar


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Here are all the operations I do.

1) Start with a B4A my project fully functional
2) add (menu Project - Add existing module) file HttpJob.bas
3) add (menu Project - Add existing module) file HttpUtils2Service.bas

I can not use the scroll bar, which serves to move through the code.
If I do a shake down the bar alone automatically returns to the top, after half a second !!!
This affects the ability to edit the code.

It 's normal that?


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A) I include the file HttpJob.bas in the project
B) rule out the check to the library HttpUtils2
to be in error.
For example, in sub
Public Sub PostBytes (Link As String, Date () As Byte)
MLINK = Link
req.InitializePost2 (Link Data)
CallSubDelayed2 (HttpUtils2Service, "SubmitJob", Me)
end Sub


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Selected libraries are :
- ABzipUnzip
- Core
- HTTP 1.31
- HttpUtils2
- ImageViewExtra
- Network
- Phone
- Ramdom Access File
- Reflection
- StringUtils
- TabHostExtra
- TouchImageView
If I remove the library HttpUtils can also remove the file HttpJob.bas.
And there is no longer a scroll abnormal


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I'm getting this bug too. I only have AHViewPager, Core, DateUtils, Phone, and Reflection enabled.

It seems that the scrollbar jumps every second to wherever the cursor currently is for typing. For example, if I start typing on line 35, and then try to scroll down, after a second it will jump back to line 35. If I change where I'm typing, it jumps to the new location. If Word Wrap is disabled and the cursor is too far to the left, every second the horizontal scrollbar jumps to the beginning of the line. Typing will move it back, as is normal behavior, but still cause it to twitch every second while typing. This is beyond frustrating.

It appears that, for me, DateUtils is the offender. Disabling that fixes my issue.

Why would this be happening?
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Oh, my bad. Didn't even know I had that module added. Fixed.


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I have then same problem, but neither library nor code module of DateUtils active.

What is the reason for this problem? I use an own library in this project (which doesn't use DateUtils either), so what can I do to get rid of this?

BTW: the project used DateUtils, but not any more, I wrote the subs myself...


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Which libraries are checked?
Only core and my own.
But... in the meantime the problem has vanished again...
I had a compile time error wish had to do with a type wich was defined in the main activity from the library project and the project which used the library. When I commented out the definition in the library main activity the compile time error was gone.

I'm not shure this was the case since I changed a few other things, but perhaps it's a hint. Does the IDE compile in background?