I need to get a sub-bitmap from an existing bitmap i.e.
I have Bitmap1 which is 200x200 dimensions.
Now, I want to store a new Bitmap2 that is a grab of Bitmap1 Left=50,Top=50,Width=100,Height=100
Can anyone suggest a proper way to do this as I'm stuck.
Here is my code so far...
A code module:..
and a couple of functions that I put in the Activity class due to the method used.
It is my approach that I think is the problem.
PS. CdException.Show(StrClass, StrMethod, LastException) simply displays an exception into the log along with the method and class that threw it.
I have Bitmap1 which is 200x200 dimensions.
Now, I want to store a new Bitmap2 that is a grab of Bitmap1 Left=50,Top=50,Width=100,Height=100
Can anyone suggest a proper way to do this as I'm stuck.
Here is my code so far...
A code module:..
Sub GetBitmap(VwSource As View) As Bitmap
Dim StrMethod As String = "Sub GetBitmap(VwSource As View) As Bitmap"
Dim BmpResult As Bitmap = Null
Dim BmpView As Bitmap
BmpView = GetSubBitmap(VwSource, VwSource.Width, VwSource.Height)
BmpResult = BmpView
CdException.Show(StrClass, StrMethod, LastException)
End Try
Return BmpResult
End Sub
Sub PasteBitmap(ImgTarget As ImageView, BmpSource As Bitmap, IntXOffset As Int, IntYOffset As Int)
Dim StrMethod As String = "Sub PasteBitmap(ImgTarget As ImageView, BmpSource As Bitmap, IntXOffset As Int, IntYOffset As Int)"
Dim CnvImgTarget As Canvas
Dim Rct As Rect
Dim BmpImgTarget As Bitmap
BmpImgTarget = GetBitmap(ImgTarget)
Rct.Initialize(0, 0, BmpImgTarget.Width, BmpImgTarget.Height)
CnvImgTarget.DrawBitmap(BmpImgTarget, Null, Rct)
Rct.Initialize(IntXOffset, IntYOffset, BmpSource.Width+IntXOffset, BmpSource.Height+IntYOffset)
CnvImgTarget.DrawBitmap(BmpSource, Null, Rct)
CdException.Show(StrClass, StrMethod, LastException)
End Try
End Sub
Sub GetSubBitmap(VwSource As View, IntMaxWidth As Int, IntMaxHeight As Int) As Bitmap
Dim StrMethod As String = "Sub GetSubBitmap(VwSource As View, IntMaxWidth As Int, IntMaxHeight As Int) As Bitmap"
Dim BmpResult As Bitmap = Null
Dim Bmp As Bitmap
Dim IntWidth As Int
If VwSource.Width > IntMaxWidth Then
IntWidth = IntMaxWidth
IntWidth = VwSource.Width
End If
Dim IntHeight As Int
If VwSource.Height > IntMaxHeight Then
IntHeight = IntMaxHeight
IntHeight = VwSource.Height
End If
Bmp.InitializeMutable(IntWidth, IntHeight)
Dim Cnv As Canvas
Dim Rfl As Reflector
Rfl.Target = Cnv
Dim AryObjectRef(1) As Object
AryObjectRef = Array As Object (Rfl.GetField("canvas"))
Dim AryObjectTypeRef(1) As String
AryObjectTypeRef = Array As String ("android.graphics.Canvas")
Dim RftView As Reflector
RftView.Target = VwSource
RftView.RunMethod4("draw", AryObjectRef, AryObjectTypeRef)
BmpResult = Bmp
CdException.Show(StrClass, StrMethod, LastException)
End Try
Return BmpResult
End Sub
and a couple of functions that I put in the Activity class due to the method used.
#Region Screenshot
Sub GetJoinedBitmap(BmpFirst As Bitmap, BmpSecond As Bitmap) As Bitmap
Dim StrMethod As String = "Sub GetJoinedBitmap(BmpFirst As Bitmap, BmpSecond As Bitmap) As Bitmap"
Dim BmpResult As Bitmap = Null
Dim IntWidth As Int
If BmpFirst.Width > BmpSecond.Width Then
IntWidth = BmpFirst.width
IntWidth = BmpSecond.width
End If
Dim IntHeight As Int
IntHeight = BmpFirst.Height + BmpSecond.Height
Dim ImgTemp As ImageView
Activity.AddView(ImgTemp, 0, 0, IntWidth, IntHeight)
CdScreenShot.PasteBitmap(ImgTemp, BmpFirst, 0, 0)
CdScreenShot.PasteBitmap(ImgTemp, BmpSecond, 0, BmpFirst.Height)
Dim BmpJoined As Bitmap
BmpJoined = CdScreenShot.GetBitmap(ImgTemp)
BmpResult = BmpJoined
CdException.Show(StrClass, StrMethod, LastException)
End Try
Return BmpResult
End Sub
Sub GetSubBitmap(VwSource As View, IntLeft As Int, IntTop As Int, IntWidth As Int, IntHeight As Int) As Bitmap
Dim StrMethod As String = "Sub GetSubBitmap(VwSource As View, IntLeft As Int, IntTop As Int, IntWidth As Int, IntHeight As Int) As Bitmap"
Dim BmpResult As Bitmap = Null
Dim ImgTemp As ImageView
Activity.AddView(ImgTemp, 0, 0, IntWidth, IntHeight)
Dim BmpSource As Bitmap
BmpSource = CdScreenShot.GetBitmap(VwSource)
CdScreenShot.PasteBitmap(ImgTemp, BmpSource, 0 - IntLeft, 0 - IntTop)
Dim BmpSubBitmap As Bitmap
BmpSubBitmap = CdScreenShot.GetBitmap(ImgTemp)
BmpResult = BmpSubBitmap
CdException.Show(StrClass, StrMethod, LastException)
End Try
Return BmpResult
End Sub
#End Region
It is my approach that I think is the problem.
PS. CdException.Show(StrClass, StrMethod, LastException) simply displays an exception into the log along with the method and class that threw it.
Sub Show(StrClass As String, StrMethod As String, Ex As Exception)
LogColor("Exception: " & Ex.Message & " - Class: " & StrClass & " - Method: " & StrMethod, Colors.Magenta)
End Sub
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