B4A Library Specci48Dialogs

Hi all,

this is my first try to build a custom lib.
This version 1.01 contains only 3 simple dialogs:

  • Msgbox3 - provides the same features like a MsgBox2 (from Core), but title, button labels and message accept a CharSequence instead of a String, so you can use RichStrings for more color and formats
  • MsgBox3WithoutDim - like Msgbox3 without dimming the background when the dialog is shown
  • CustomDialog3 - provides the same features like a CustomDialog2 (from Dialogs), but the titleand button labels accepts a CharSequence instead of a String, so you can use RichStrings for more color and formats

Dim msg As Msgbox3
msg.Show("Message", "Titel", "OK", "", "", Null)

EDIT: Version 1.01 - added CharSequence support for the button labels



  • SPDialogs_1.01.zip
    7.1 KB · Views: 1,394
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Well-Known Member
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Thanks again for this library. It is wonderful.

I wasn't familiar with the use of RichStrings and CharSequence in B4A and had to do a little research.
I thought that maybe it was possible to embed some kind of codes in text for this library without
having to use the RichString Library, but that doesn't appear to be the case.

So for the benefit of others like me, here is an example using code from the RichString Library demo:

Dim rs As RichString
rs.Initialize("{R}{T}{Blue}This{Blue}{T}{R} {U}is{U} another {Red}{BI}Rich{Red}String{BI}")
rs.RelativeSize2(1.5, "{R}")
rs.Typeface2("serif", "{T}")
rs.Color2(Colors.Red, "{Red}")
rs.Style2(rs.STYLE_BOLD_ITALIC, "{BI}")

Dim msg As Msgbox3
msg.Show(rs, "RichString Demo", "OK", "", "", Null)
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Longtime User

Is there a way somehow to produce a 'vertical' msgbox2? What I mean is that the buttons on the 'standard' msgbox2 are sometimes small for the text to be fitted into without wrapping, whereas if the buttons appeared below each other, rather than next to, this issue would be solved.