Android Tutorial Absolute beginners guide to making a Net Server program

I am writing a manual for students using B4A and there seemed to be some people here wanting to connect their programs to a net server with SQL who have never done so before.

So hopefully some new users can find this guide useful to use.

I based it on an existing excellent Online Scoreboard tutorial by Admac231 below but stripped right back to the bare bones

Here is the link

Criticisms, revisions and ideas for where to go from there very welcome. Please excuse annoying typo's it was written rapidly in 2 sittings.

Note: added attached files


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Hi can you please repost the link from dropbox since it does not exist. Will this work with SQL server 2008 or only mysql?


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Its now part of the guide in links in my sig below. the DB is using mysql as part of the cpanel website system with phpmyadmin


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Amazing tutorial. Thank you so much. You really saved me a lot of time. Im a final year student in informatics and we have to create a windows and asp fully develop system in 2 months although we get some time to design the prototype first and im quite new to basic 4 android and dont really have much spare time to go through all the tutorials and books. im going to connect ours to sql server 2008 so i will see if i can make a nice guide and post it then you can give it to your students because it will be done using vb asp script and not C# like Erel's although i think you already know how to do it. :). Can i ask you one more question. I know you guys said that you have to look at safe ways of creating you web service and not make it basic for sending queries through because then i can just send a delete all query and delete everything from the table.....So what do you think will be best and easiest way to do it for android because I have written functions that sends datasets and then you can use table adapters to access the information but im not familiar of how i can use table adapters and datasets in b4a(dont know if this is the sql tutorials) because the other way i can think of is sending queries and creating a function that does not allow the user to send delete all queries and this is prob the easiest way and effective way? will go through your tutorial after ive learned php but does not look that difficult and then just use the same principles for sql.


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I'm not familiar of how i can use table adapters and datasets in b4a

me neither :)

I don't envisage the phone chewing up big datasets or manipulating large amounts of data, if that is needed make views in your server manipulate the data there and call the results as tables. I think the idea is to pass the commands to the server and get it done there.

I would love to see anything you make :)