Share My Creation Page Turner without using Page turn library


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cheers, it still needs a lot of work, my trig is a tiny bit off, but I'm done for the day.


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
WOW is correct. Thast really is a nice bit of work. Great effort. And you have only been coding a short while?


Licensed User
Longtime User
WOW is correct. Thast really is a nice bit of work. Great effort. And you have only been coding a short while?
:D Thanks, I appreciate it. I know I've got a long way to go before it looks as good as the results from Andrew's library.

(Also, I'm pretty sure that I wont be able to show the next/previous page accurately. I think I will have to change the size of the appropriate view and add a bitmap on top of it to blend it out to the appropriate angle.)- confused?... me too

I'm new to V4A, but I've been coding since I was twelve on and off (mainly off -started with qbasic and dabbled with vb6) But I'm entirely self taught.
I really appreciate B4A because it is very user friendly and the help files are nearly as good as qbasic . plus the assistance from the forum and tutorials are un-paralleled. I learn from examples, so if you keep them coming, I will too


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look forward to seeing your updates.

Well done again