Hi all,
I've been busy coding various projects with basic4android and would like to showcase my latest 2D game programming efforts with a remake of the classic duck hunting game from 1984 - Nintendo Duck Hunt.
A video of it working can be seen here:
Basic4Android - Duck Hunt game example by Colin Ord, 2012 - YouTube
B4A Notes:
- Uses numerous imageviews for holding the animated bitmaps and finding shot duck!
- soundpool for sounds (MP no good for quick shooting sounds)
- timers - for pauses, animation, soundeffects etc
- simple waypoints system for flight path.
- framed animation (duck flapping, dog laughing)
- duck faces in the correct direction of flight
- one duck game or two duck game (2 duck game not currently working correctly)
- intro screen and music
- scoring
- lives (3 missed shots = life lost)
- dog animations (sorry, you still can't shoot the dog!)
Hope you like the video and gameplay and hopefully it'll inspire others to start creating games using this brilliant programming tool.
I probably won't release the code as its very messy and also the game uses original sprite sheets and sounds found from around the net so can't release it commercially either
n.b. I started this project mainly because there isn't much talk of games being produced and I wanted to show that it can be done!
Please let me know your thoughts guys and who knows, I might release the code if anyone is 'really' keen on this project.
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I've been busy coding various projects with basic4android and would like to showcase my latest 2D game programming efforts with a remake of the classic duck hunting game from 1984 - Nintendo Duck Hunt.
A video of it working can be seen here:
Basic4Android - Duck Hunt game example by Colin Ord, 2012 - YouTube

B4A Notes:
- Uses numerous imageviews for holding the animated bitmaps and finding shot duck!
- soundpool for sounds (MP no good for quick shooting sounds)
- timers - for pauses, animation, soundeffects etc
- simple waypoints system for flight path.
- framed animation (duck flapping, dog laughing)
- duck faces in the correct direction of flight
- one duck game or two duck game (2 duck game not currently working correctly)
- intro screen and music
- scoring
- lives (3 missed shots = life lost)
- dog animations (sorry, you still can't shoot the dog!)
Hope you like the video and gameplay and hopefully it'll inspire others to start creating games using this brilliant programming tool.
I probably won't release the code as its very messy and also the game uses original sprite sheets and sounds found from around the net so can't release it commercially either
n.b. I started this project mainly because there isn't much talk of games being produced and I wanted to show that it can be done!
Please let me know your thoughts guys and who knows, I might release the code if anyone is 'really' keen on this project.
For other interesting projects please visit:
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