Share My Creation a Maze in

Here is a little maze game i am currently working on, you will be able to create your own mazes and save them.

currently the maze is in a text file (attached)

the # denote a wall and the * is the starting position.

the information after the -- is :

60 = time limit (not added yet)
4 = the direction you face to start off 1= up, 2=right, 3=down and 4=left.

Let me know what you think



  • aMAZEin.apk
    179.4 KB · Views: 383
  • smallmap.txt
    129 bytes · Views: 403
  • screen.jpg
    21.9 KB · Views: 6,941
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I was trying to think of an easy way to implement a basic map, without openGL and lots of other difficult stuff.

I will have to look at ways to add wall textures, and see how it goes?

What i want to do is have little mini games that the child has to complete to get out of the maze.

and the ability to create and save your own mazes so the kids can make them up for themselves.


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It's really nice.


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Yeah i have not put an exit or anything else in there as yet, it was just the concept i started on this evening. If you look at the text file you can see there is no way out, so you're doomed :)



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Yeah i have not put an exit or anything else in there as yet, it was just the concept i started on this evening. If you look at the text file you can see there is no way out, so you're doomed :)


Good job so far on your app! I wrote an app that displayed mazes just like that for palm PDAs. In my app you were a rat in a maze with no way out. The point of the the game was to find a piece of cheese that was randomly droped in the maze. I gave a "smell" bar indicator that show how close you were to the cheese. I generate a new random maze for each game.


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Hello Stulish... The visual design of your maze looks very much like a maze program I wrote in B4Script. You may download the script if you like. It has code for generating the maze in different sizes, as well as choosing and displaying an exit. And it is device and screen resolution independent. Please feel free to use any of the components you wish in your project.
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Thanks Jessie,

I will take a look, i have just added textures to the walls (brick at the moment), and a metal door for the exit.

I will look at enabling different graphics to be used so different levels have a slightly different feel.

I did like MLDev's idea of something like a piece of chees for you to find and a bar showing strenth of smell, i was thinking maybe have a gieger counter display with a needle and you have to find the plutonium and then take it to the safe zone????

I also want to add in some puzzle type games (just kiddie type puzzle so nothing too difficult).




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Hi all i have been updating the maze app.

It now has brick walls and windows along with a door to get out.

the APK can be found below (1.06Mb):

APK Download Link

Next need to add plutonium and a Geiger counter to show how close you are.

A word document containing the map of the maze can be found at the link below:


in the map Black squares are walls, grey squares are windows and the green square is the exit, i will look at adding more graphics later also.

and now i have added multiple start positions in the map text document walls are #, windows are 1, the door is = and start positions are * symbols. (attached txt file)




  • smallmap.txt
    1.5 KB · Views: 288
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Nice work!

I love the idea of the Geiger counter in the game.

A post nuclear meltdown maze game. Pretty shure your the first with that.
If you like ill give you a hand in my free time ;-)



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please put your latest version here on the forum, for download. Thanks


The link to the apk is in post #10 --> HERE <--. i had to use a file server as the size if 1.06Mb (above what i can put on the forum), if you know a better place for me to upload please let me know




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This was on my 2-do list aswell, Stu.

But when I thought about it I guess the spoiled gamers only want a real raycaster and my (and this?) idea was based on static wall mapping.


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Yeah, not sure if any of you find you start something just to play with an idea, but the idea never really gets finished, it just gets to a working state.

My whole point of doing it was to create maps in a text viewer using different characters to denote differing items like walls, doors, windows and then maybe add some monsters and treasure.

make a map editor in java so kids could create maps and then run around inside them, maybe even have kids swap maps with each other that they had created to see who gets to the exit fastest.
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You may consider these points for future enhancements.
1- Turn in single angel step, instead of 90 degrees.
2- Layout landscape
3- Backward movement
4- Smaller steps for movement for smooth movement
5- Put images anywhere in the floor and detect collision with them
6- Post images on the walls
7- Make controls smaller.. they are now taking 30% of the space.

8- Finally, sell it as 3-D maze development system instead of a game app.


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Hi Beja,

I wasn't thinking of selling it, it was just me playing around, but sadly dont seem to have enough time now, so it stalled quite quickly. Hopefully someone will get an idea or two from it and make something really interesting.

All your ideas are great, i will have to come up with another inivitive way of creating mazes without the use of 3d graphics engines.
