Share My Creation Probability Calculator

Here is the Android version of the probability calculator (see the Basic4PPC forum for the Widows Mobile version).

This program calculates the p value (probability of a more extreme result) for the Z, t, F, and Chi Square distributions.

It will alslo find the critical value for a specified area (alpha level).

For the t and F distributions, it will also caculate Eta, a mesure of effect size. Eta squared can be interpreted as the proportion of explained variance.

Comments and suggestions for improvement are welcome.

27 Feb 2011 -- Version 1.1 (bug fixes)
27 May 2001 -- Version 2.0 (all views now relative - should work on any device)


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Licensed User
Longtime User
This is a well written app with nicely structured source code, I like the layout changes for landscape and UI in well spaced.

Some comments on the Android version:

1. Calculate p button seems to calculate Alpha which is confusing terminology

2. If I am in F distribution when the screen blanks on unblanking the screen df1 and df2 are missing

3. In Z distribution if you set Alpha to 0.5 and calc one-tailed Z then program crashes at line 340.

I hope this helps.



Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for the feedback (and the kind words). I have addressed your comments as follows:

1. Calculate p button seems to calculate Alpha which is confusing terminology
(Obviously) was not confusing to me, but your point is quite correct and I have changed the button text to "Calculate Alpha".

2. If I am in F distribution when the screen blanks on unblanking the screen df1 and df2 are missing
Indeed, the same thing happes for df1 on the t and chi-square screens as well. FIXED

3. In Z distribution if you set Alpha to 0.5 and calc one-tailed Z then program crashes at line 340.
I never tested alpha = .5 because the 1-tailed answer is obvious and doesn't need calculation. My bad, and I fixed it.

Thank you for testing the program and finding these bugs. I hope you find the program useful.

The updated version (1.1) has been placed in the first post.