Share My Creation GPSlog for Android - Alpha

I have received a request for a copy of my GPSlog for android, which is still under development. It is at a stage that is functional and of potential interest to others, so I post the alpha version here.

The primary functionality missing is the saving and retrieval of locations. The GPS functions and compass work well. There is a lot of extraneous code to be cleaned out, as well as some documentation to be done.

CAVEAT: This was developed for 480 x 800 resolution. It works on my Droid2 at 480x854 but will not display properly at lower resolutions. This is on my do-do list.

As will all android compasses, you should wave the device in a figure-8 pattern prior to relying on the compass display. On wave does it for me.

One nice freature is an option to have the GPS turned on and off automatically when the program is activated or paused. Not all devices respond well to the automatic GPS activation but if your does, this is a very convenient feature.

I look forward to any comments or suggestions for improvements.

19 July 2011
Update allows saving of locations and calculation of distance between two locations. I still need to add editing features and tweak to run on tablets. Right now I am moving two households 200km so that is taking all my time. I will finish the developement after the move, unless the move finishes me first.


17 December 2011
Updated many things. Took this long because (1) I was moving two households a fair distance, and (2) I was very sloppy in my original coding which made updating the code a frustrating experience. Please let me know if you see any remaining bugs.

1. Everything is scaled at runtime so the program hopefully will function on any device (runs fine on my Droid2 phone and my Iconia a500 tablet).

2. Only the original units are stored and retrieved. Units are displayed according to user preference (eg. degrees, metric).

3. You can now edit the descriptions in the log.

4. You can now delete log entries.

5. The most fun change (for me at least) is the ability to map the current location, and any of the locations in the log.

6. If a log page has not been created, then a sample log page is created and loaded (Mt. Rainier, Niagra Falls, Festung Marinberg, Panama Canal).

7. Added an About page.

Ideas for the future:
Export log file (text, kml)
Sort by Description, Latitude, Longitude, or Altitude
Manual adding of log entries

The latest version (1.1) is attached. Again, bug reports would be welcome!

Version 1.2 (May 2014). Added satellite information and help page.


  • GPSlog_SS1.jpg
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  • GPSlog_SS2.jpg
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  • GPS Log Satellites.jpg
    GPS Log Satellites.jpg
    216.5 KB · Views: 554
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I have received a request for a copy of my GPSlog for android, which is still under development. It is at a stage that is functional and of potential interest to others, so I post the alpha version here.

The primary functionality missing is the saving and retrieval of locations. The GPS functions and compass work well. There is a lot of extraneous code to be cleaned out, as well as some documentation to be done.

CAVEAT: This was developed for 480 x 800 resolution. It works on my Droid2 at 480x854 but will not display properly at lower resolutions. This is on my do-do list.

As will all android compasses, you should wave the device in a figure-8 pattern prior to relying on the compass display. On wave does it for me.

One nice freature is an option to have the GPS turned on and off automatically when the program is activated or paused. Not all devices respond well to the automatic GPS activation but if your does, this is a very convenient feature.

I look forward to any comments or suggestions for improvements.
Hi, I'm french

Unable to compile the program because there is a error message TurnGPS library?
a +


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I used your original code on my Superpad 2 cheapo device. I was trying to determine why the Speed would not kick in until 14 kmh or above was achieved (function of cheap GPS board inside - apparently)

My device does not have a functional accelorometer - so I used GPS bearing to rotate the compass bitmap. It works fine with that change - where as it would do nothing for rotation before...



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You may have noticed that GPSlog already reports the bearing. Rotating the compass according to the bearing does add a visual, but little new information. You must be moving (obviously) to use the compass as you do. The way it was written, the compass functions even when holding still. Too bad your device doesn't support it.


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"Too bad your device doesn't support it." - true...

My next device will. Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 inch. As far as I can see - exact specs as 10.1 but smaller device (both not available yet at my Future Shop). I already have a 10.1 inch device...

I have a problem of finding devices with an active car cradle. I have found one for Galaxy but very little for anything else (at this time). The devices themselves don't seem to be well equipped for supporting such a feature. The manufacturers should get together and design a Universal connector that supports - power, speakers, USB, GPS (external antenna), wifi (external antenna). Only then could one slip any device into a cradle (desktop or automotive - RAM) and not have to worry about connecting its' barnicles... Galaxy (sort of) has this type of port now.


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Several updates were made to GPSlog - see the 1st post for descriptions and the new file.


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Although this program is getting old, it continues to be a frequently used and helpful program. Upon discovering that my new Samsung 7" Tab 3 did not have a magnetic sensor I took the opportunity to use the screen space previously devoted to the compass for the purpose of displaying satellite information (see screen shot). I left the compass intact so the user can toggle between the compass and the satellite information.

Before I forget again, I really want to thank KLAUS for his help (code and otherwise) in developing the earlier version (and by extension, this one too).

I also added a primitive help (tips) screen. I show the help info here as it summarizes the features of the program:

TIPS FOR USING GPSlog Version 1.2 (May 2014)

Use buttons at screen bottom to toggle between Compass & Satellites.
Use Menu button to access other program features:

SAVE TO LOG saves current Latitude, Longitude, & Altitude info.

VIEW LOG displays saved log info. Long-press on a row to edit, map, or delete that location. Click on any two locations to display the distance between them.

MAP CURENT LOCATION does what it says (if you have an internet connection).

OPTIONS allow you to specifiy and save Coordinates format, Brightness Control, & Measurement Units. GPS Radio Control - Automatic probably won't work unless you have an old device

The satellite information includes whether the satellite is GPS or Glonass. Although this can be deduced from the satellite number (PRN), I chose to read the information from the NMEA Sentences that contain detailed satellite information. I learned a lot more this way.

Enjoy, and feel free to post your comments, bugs, etc.
