Samsung Galaxy 2 7.0 Tablet...

Gary Miyakawa

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The documentation talks about the "IR Blaster" that is built in. I'd REALLY like to program it to do some magic but in searching here, I don't find that anyone has tried/used the IR Blaster.

Does anyone have any experience programming it ? Or suggestions ?


Gary M

Gary Miyakawa

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I did find this sample code but not sure how to impliment it in B4A.. Could someone help with this ? BTW, this code came from XDA forums.

public void onClick2(View view) {
       TextView editText = (TextView) findViewById(;
       Object irService = getSystemService("irda");
       Class irClass = irService.getClass();
       Class params[] = new Class[1];
       params[0] = String.class;
       try {
         Method sendIR = irClass.getMethod("write_irsend", params);
         for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
            sendIR.invoke(irService, "37300,11,67,10,28,10,28,10,27,11,27,11,27,11,67,11,67,11,27,11,68,10,27,11,27,11,27,11,67,11,27,11,1731,11,68,10,28,10,27,11,27,11,27,11,67,11,27,11,27,11,67,11,27,11,67,11,67,11,68,10,27,11,68,10,1653");
      } catch (Exception e) {


Gary M
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Gary Miyakawa

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Thank you for the lead! I just picked up a 10.1 to start testing with. Any suggestions I would greatly appreciate !

Gary M
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Gary Miyakawa

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I'm not a Java person and this reflector (and coverting the code to run from reflector just isn't coming together for me at this time...)

vb1992 kindly pointed me to a smaller piece of code that "should" send something to the embedded IR on my Galaxy Tab but I haven't been able to get thru the syntax...

The code that vb1992 found is as follows:
'   Try{ 
'      Object irService = getSystemService("irda"); 
'      irService.getClass(); 
'      Class irClass = irService.getClass(); 
'      Class params[] = new Class[1]; 
'      params[0] = String.class; 
'      Method sendIR = irClass.getMethod("write_irsend", params); 
'      SendIR.invoke(irService,"data"); 
'    } Catch (Exception e){ 
'      //Do something with the error 
'    }

Could someone, with MUCH more knowldege about reflector than I (i'm a zero) help me undestand how to convert it run (hopefully) on B4A ?

Thanks much !

Gary M
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I know this is a bit of an old thread but I am curious if anyone has gotten this working yet as well. I would like to be able to learn (store) IR data as well as transmit it.
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