Date dialog Title


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I am using DateDialog of Dialogs library . I want to set the title , content date of dialog and should change when user edits the date value of date dialog . How to code this ?:BangHead:


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I am sure the date dialogue example shows but
Dim Dd As DateDialog
   Dim ret As Int
   Dd.Year = DateTime.GetYear(     'set the display year
   Dd.Month = DateTime.GetMonth(        'set the display month
   Dd.DayOfMonth = DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(     'set the display day
   ret = Dd.Show("Set the required date", "Block Off Date", "Ok", "Cancel", "", Null)
When you define the DateDialog (DD in the above example) when you 'dot' it the IDE displays the options it has (see attached image). This makes it easy to use the librarys.


  • datedialogexample.jpg
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Just to add to Iagore: If you want to return the final date selected as a string here is the code:
  Dim Dd As DateDialog
    Dim ret As Int
   Dim strDate As String
    Dd.Year = DateTime.GetYear(     'set the display year
    Dd.Month = DateTime.GetMonth(         'set the display month
    Dd.DayOfMonth = DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(     'set the display day
    ret = Dd.Show("Set the required date", "Date Selection".ToUpperCase, "Ok", "Cancel", "", Null)
   If ret=-1 Then
      strDate= DateTime.Date(Dd.DateTicks)
   End If
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Actually this was not my problem . I am using the dialog without problems . My intention is to set the title as date content of dialog . Initially I can add it . But it should change as the user edits the date . I want to know this particular thing only .
This is my code
Sub btnDate_Click
Dim ret As Int
Dim datitle as String
Dim dadi As DateDialog
datitle = dadi.DayOfMonth & "/" & dadi.Month & "/" & dadi.Year"Set Date ",datitle,"O K","Cancel","",Null)
End Sub
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Hi Gjoisa, I know this was about 2 years ago but did you ever get a reply to your question. I am trying to show the Day as it is changed by to user . Not after they click OK but as the date is changed on the fly.
Regards Peter.
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