'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
Dim oReflector As Reflector
Dim oByteConverter As ByteConverter
Dim omUpdate As Object
Dim omReset As Object
Dim omGetValue As Object
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize
'Create an instance of theCRC32 class using reflection and set it as the target of the Reflector.
oReflector.Target = oReflector.CreateObject("java.util.zip.CRC32")
'Register the Update method of the CRC32 class [public void update (byte[] buf)]
'Adds the byte array passed to the data that the checksum is being calculated for
'Set the type of the parameter passed for the update method to Byte Array.
Dim Types(1) As String
Types(0) = "[B"
omUpdate= oReflector.GetMethod("update",Types)
Types(0) = ""
'Register the get method of the CRC32 class [public long getValue ()]
'Returns the CRC32 checksum as a long
'No parameters for getValue so pass null
omGetValue = oReflector.GetMethod("getValue",Null)
'Register the reset method of the CRC32 class [public void reset ()]
'Clears the data that the checksum is being calculated for so a new checksum can be calculated
omReset = oReflector.GetMethod("reset",Null)
End Sub
Public Sub GetValue As Long
'Return the CRC32 checksum value as a long
'Passes no arguments so use null
Return oReflector.InvokeMethod(oReflector.Target,omGetValue,Null)
End Sub
Public Sub Reset
'Clears the buffer so a new checksum can be calculated
'Passes no arguments so use null
End Sub
Public Sub GetHexString
'Returns the checksum as a string of Hex values
Dim aCRCBytes(1) As Byte
Dim aCRCValue(1) As Long
aCRCValue(0) = GetValue
aCRCBytes = oByteConverter.LongsToBytes(aCRCValue)
Return oByteConverter.HexFromBytes(aCRCBytes)
End Sub
Public Sub Update(strAddToBuffer As String)
'Adds the passed string to the buffer that the checksum is being calculated for
Dim strBuffer As String
Dim aBytesToAdd(1) As Byte
Dim Args(1) As Object
aBytesToAdd = oByteConverter.StringToBytes(strAddToBuffer,"UTF8")
Args(0) = aBytesToAdd
End Sub
Sub Process_Globals
Dim oCRC32 As CRC32Class
End Sub
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
Dim otxtStrToCheckSum As EditText
Dim olblChecksum As Label
Dim obtnGenChecksum As Button
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim cDateTime As String
otxtStrToCheckSum .Initialize("")
obtnGenChecksum.Text = "Calc CRC32"
olblChecksum.TextSize = 14
'Create CRC32 Object
End Sub
Sub obtnGenChecksum_Click
'Clear the CRC32 Buffer
'Fill buffer with contents of text box
'Calculate Checksum and populate label with result
olblChecksum.Text = oCRC32.GetHexString
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub