Filling Arrays - The Easy Way?


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I know that a single dimensional array Grid() can be populated with Grid = Array As (1,2,5,3,8,4)

I need to fill a two dimensional Array Grid(,)

Is there a similar quick method for multi-dimensional arrays?



B4X founder
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You can create one with this code:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
   Dim grid(,) As Int = Create2DArray(3, Array As Int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))
   'grid =   1, 2, 3
   '      4, 5, 6
End Sub

Sub Create2DArray(RowLength As Int, Arr() As Int) As Int(,)
   Dim rows As Int = Arr.Length / RowLength
   Dim td(rows, RowLength) As Int
   For r = 0 To rows - 1
      For c = 0 To RowLength - 1
         td(r, c) = Arr(r * RowLength + c)
   Return td
End Sub
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That works for me!

Thanks Erel.

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