As I am using Tableview to display record like grid format,it works fine but only thing is no grid line.pls advise how to use gridline for tableview using scrollview
Attached you have a modified version of the TableExample program with row and column lines.
The line color is the ScrollView.Panel.Color.
So the row and column line colors are the same.
The line width can be set in the ColLineWidth and RowLineWidth variables.
The lines are generated by shifting the lables by the line width. That means that the Label.Width is equal to the column width minus the line width and the same for the height.
Best regards.
An other question. Can I set up different actions for different cells??I'm working over example v1.2, but I have some problems:
- How can I change of each one of the columns?
- Can I show images or links inside grid?
- I'm using Latin characters inside de CSV file, but they aren't showed well.
- How can I convert code to a module?
Sub GetView(Row As Int, Col As Int) As Label
' Returns the label in the specific cell
Dim L As Label
L = Table.GetView(Row * NumberOfColumns + Col)
Return L
End Sub
Sub AddRow(Values() As String)
' Adds a row to the table
Dim ColWidth As Int
If Values.Length <> NumberOfColumns Then
Log("Wrong number of values.")
End If
For i = 0 To NumberOfColumns - 1
Dim L As Label
L.Text = Values(i)
L.Gravity = Alignment(i)
L.TextSize = FontSize(i)
L.TextColor = FontColor(i)
Dim rc As RowCol
rc.Col = i
rc.Row = NumberOfRows
L.Tag = rc
Table.AddView(L, ColWidth, RowHeight * NumberOfRows, ColumnWidth_1(i), RowHeight_1)
If i = 0 AND GetView(rc.Row,1).Text = "Something" Then L.Color = Colors.Red
'this is what I added. Basically, for Col0 only, if the cell after (same row, Col1) says "something",
'I want Col0's cell to be red for that line, otherwise stay as predefined. However when I use this
'construct, it tells me View should be initialised first. And I'm not too sure it will work anyway.
Table.Height = NumberOfRows * RowHeight
End Sub
For i = numberOfColumns-1 To 0 step -1
If i = 0 AND GetView(rc.Row,1).Text = "Something" Then L.Color = Colors.Red
If i = 0 AND Table.GetView(rc.Row * NumberOfColumns + 1).Text = "Something" Then L.Color = Colors.Red
Table.AddView(L, ColWidth, RowHeight * NumberOfRows, ColumnWidth_1(i), RowHeight_1)