I'm trying to add stuff to a list and export to csv, it works already but i want to export all the data i can get, so i added about 6 columns to the csv like:
and then below i go from 0 to listOfContacts.Size - 1
adding data to the list:
byt this is a map or something, contact data like myContact.PHONE_MOBILE only say "1" or "2" wich is the number of phones the user have. how do i add the number instead of 1 or 2.
i want to keep this simple
thanks in advance
list1.Add (Array As String ("Name (or e-mail if name missing)","Home Phone", "Mobile phone", "E-mail (home)", "E-mail (work)","E-mail (Custom)", "Times contacted"))
and then below i go from 0 to listOfContacts.Size - 1
adding data to the list:
list1.Add (Array As String (myContact.DisplayName, myContact.PHONE_HOME,myContact.PHONE_MOBILE,myContact.EMAIL_HOME, myContact.EMAIL_WORK, myContact.EMAIL_CUSTOM, "Contacted: " & mycontact.TimesContacted & " times"))
byt this is a map or something, contact data like myContact.PHONE_MOBILE only say "1" or "2" wich is the number of phones the user have. how do i add the number instead of 1 or 2.
i want to keep this simple
thanks in advance