I see it too. It happens because of a "security feature" in Apache server by a module named mod_security. It looks for all kinds of patterns which can be related to hack attempts. Why it fails on this specific line is a mystery to me as well. I guess that 'from' is a sensitive word because it is used in SQL queries.
I tried to fix this issue but didn't succeed. For now use a slightly different wording.
Please post if you encounter this error in a different pages.
(In the text below, "fr*m" = "from", for reasons which will become obvious.)
In the Wiki page in which JB was getting the error generated by using "from", I noticed that "from" was being used further up the page with no problem, so I tried to isolate the words causing the error.
JB originally had something like:
or you can run it inside B4A by selecting "Tools-Run AVD Manager" fr*m...
Long story, short: any use of the word "selecting" followed (at any distance) by the word "fr*m" generates the error.
Now here is the interesting part:
The first time I tried to post this message with the actual fr*m word in it, I got the same error! So this problem relates to the forums as well as the Wiki.
It's kinda hard to believe that this has never come up before since both words are fairly common.