I'm going crazy for a http post to Google Fusion tables !!!!!!!!
I modified the example gmailcontacts OAuth 2.0 / Google web services tutorial for accessing google fusion tables. I get the access_token but the on HttpUtils.PostByte i get in sub hc_ResponsError StatusCode = 400 & Reason = "parse error near access_token" !!!
Help me I'm crazy, I tried in a thousand ways!
here the code:
Dim su As StringUtils
Dim bytes() As Byte
Dim sdata As String
Dim GoogleFusionPath As String
Dim query, auth, tail As String
query="INSERT INTO 842604 (Barcode, GPS, Data) VALUES ('22222222', '10.1 11.1', '28/01/2012')"
auth="&access_token="& AccessToken
tail = "&jsonCallback=?"
sdata = "sql=" & su.EncodeUrl(query & auth & tail ,"UTF8")