Button Bitmap image Pressed Drawable


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I don't think you can change the existing one but you can replace it.
   Dim gd1 As GradientDrawable
   Dim gd2 As GradientDrawable
   Dim cols(2) As Int
   cols(0) = Colors.Cyan
   cols(1) = Colors.Red
   Dim states(1) As Int
   Dim sd As StateListDrawable
   Dim states(2) As Int
   states(0) = sd.state_enabled
   states(1) = -sd.state_pressed
   sd.addState(states, gd1)
   Dim states(1) As Int
   states(0) = sd.state_pressed
   sd.addState(states, gd2)
   Button1.Background = sd
The order the states are added is important because the Android state matching algorithm is a simple linear search. Unfortunately I can't get a state to show for the unpressed condition so the button is black until pressed. Most likely I'm not understanding something :( or the StateListDrawable is missing a state constant. Erel did say it wasn't finished. I've tried various integer constants to define the unpressed state but can't hit on the right one.

EDIT:- I've got it work and changed the code above but I have to admit I don't understand why it needs the enabled and unpressed combination to display the unpressed state instead of just the unpressed (-ve) state when it doesn't appear to need it for the pressed state.
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Isn't the Android documentation wonderful compared to .NET Not!

I found this in the documentation for a related method "setState" and it seems to me it might hold (undocumented!) for addState as well.

"Note: The Drawable holds a reference on to stateSet until a new state array is given to it, so you must not modify this array during that time."

I was reusing the state array passed to addState. By Dimming a new states(1) array I got it to work with just "states(0) = -sd.state_pressed".


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Thank you Andrew,

It's not exaclty what I wanted to do but you showed me the way how to do it ! :)
I wanted to change the bitmaps to simulate a ToggleButton, when pressing the bitmaps change and remain when unpressed and on the next press.
Attached a small test program for others who might be interested in.
Playing with 3 buttons Bitmap-, Gradient-, Color Drawable

Best regards.

EDIT: Updated the file.
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the TestButtons.b4a file is empty

only the standard definitions



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Works on HTC Magic 1.6

For running on device, please add graphics to files tab
