Images used by application locked until IDE restarted


If I use an image n.png in my program and run it from the IDE the image becomes locked until the IDE is restarted. For example, if I have the image loaded in Photoshop I can't edit and resave the image until I started the IDE.


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Longtime User
Hi Erel,

This problem still remains.

Filippo is actually experiencing it with his fgAktien program in the German forum.
I compiled Filippos program on the desktop and the same problem remains.
Once the image file has been accessed it is blocked.

I encounter regulary the same kind of problems when trying to update image files for buttons. I always need to close the IDE, update the files and run the IDE again.

I remembered having seen once a thread, and found this one.

Could this be fixed ?

Thank's in advance and best regards.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I encounter regulary the same kind of problems when trying to update image files for buttons. I always need to close the IDE, update the files and run the IDE again.

This reminds me of the 6hours I spendt trying to just create a "good looking" text button to my current app....


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all,
Just found a temporary fix yesterday...
1 - load the picture file in your favourite editor
2 - remove the picture in the Designer (you have to clear the "Image" field of your Image control, or delete the picture's name from an ImageList)
3 - run your app in B4ppc
4 - exit your app

You can now save the picture file without having to re-run B4ppc :)
Note that steps 1 and 2 can be swapped.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Too much work when we can just exit b4ppc, do the work in our image, and then re-load our app in b4ppc...
Your aproach may cause some delays as one tends to froget that the image reference is missing...