[non b4a] Phone loosing network


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Hello everyone,

As per title, this is not b4a related but there are some very knowledgeable people on here and most of us are dealing with mobile devices.

The Story -

I've had a HTC Desire Z / G2 for the last 2 years on Vodafone UK. never had any signal issues. Changes to t-mobile UK in december and all was good. Then after 3, maybe 4 weeks I start loosing network. I would look at my phone and no network at all. Tried all sort to get it back but only thing that would get it back would be to power down and reboot. The strange thing though was that the internet would still work, but no network for sms and calls. This started happening 2 or 3 times per day.

The Case -

I contacted t-mobile and explained it all to them but i'm not sure they believed me 100%. They said that it looks like my device and the network wasn't syncing properly. They said they need to 're-do something' and told me to use 2g only for 1 week then try 3g again. Whilst on 2g only, fine no issues. I switched back to 3g and all was good for a couple of days and then lost network, then ok for a few days, then it got more regular. Now it is back to a couple of times per day. Rather annoying. I've also recently discovered that turning on airplane mode then off again re-initializes the network connection. A quicker fix, but not a real solution as I never know when network lost and I use this device for work.

The Question -

Before I contact t-mobile again, has anybody any idea what may be going on here and what is required to fix it. I'm not sure if it has to do with me running a custom ROM? Any info / suggestions would be really appreciated. Thanks.


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I have the EXACT same problem. I noticed this last week. I thought it might be a FW upgrade but im sure its not that.
I was losing network randomly...even when plugging in the charger the network goes so I thought it was a phone issue. I did the Flight mode thing to get network back.
I am fairly sure it is T-mobile upgrading their network (because thats whats common between you and me :p ). But not 100% confident.
I have an S3 with original ROM. I am monitoring my phone it hasnt happened for a couple of days so far.


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Nice to know at least it's not just me.

A strange thing though, my wife has a s3 on t-mobile......... no issues :BangHead:


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I have an S3 on T-Mobile with the latest firmware, and occasionally i see there is no connection. This displays bars of signal, but if i open the browser or an app that used internet is states there is no connection.

The only way around this is to restart the phone.

It only happens once a week or so and i havn't really looked into if it is always in a certain area or at a certain time. But i think it may be a T-Mobile issue.



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Thanks for the replies guys, I am borrowing a phone off a friend on friday, will test to see if it is the device or something network/sim side. Will update.

twice it has happened today, getting really annoying now.

Just to note, yes Roger I have noticed battery draining pretty quick during times that i have issues, I just assumed it was the device eating itself searching for network.


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Changing the Radio

Barx, is actually quite simple, you need to download the file, and it will be a zip file, you need to copy that file somewhere into your sdcard, then you need to either use an app such as Clockwork Mod or reboot in recovery mode, from there you need to find the file you copied into your sdcard select it and it will flash the new radio version to your phone.



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I think i may have solved the issue. Doing more testing...