Using enumerations in Basic4ppc


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How do you access enumeration values in external dll's ? I am trialling the FieldSoftware PrinterCE program which uses Enumerations in some of the properties. For example: the "PrOrientation" property uses ORIENTATION.PORTRAIT or ORIENTATION.LANDSCAPE - the example they give is: PrinterCE1.PrOrientation = PrinterCE.ORIENTATION.LANDSCAPE <-this is the issue.:sign0085:


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Thanks Erel, but I had already tried that option. It causes an "ArgumentException".
I contacted Field Software by email and they sent me a link to download a list of their global user definitions (prceuser.h). That does give a list of the value of each enumeration instead of trying to guess the value - but it doesn't solve the probelm.
I have responded to their email advising there must be something in their code causing the exception. I'll advise you if they have a solution.


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This is a simple b4ppc PrinterCE wrapper, written in VB.NET in the past for my own needs. Source code and SharpDevelop solution included.

Needs also PrCE_NetCF.DLL and PrinterCE.NETCF.DLL form FieldSoftware.


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Hi Guys,

The repsonse from Field Software was "We have not used Basic4ppc, so you will need to contact their support to determine how to accomplish what you are seeking."

I will download your wrapper - thanks for your assistance. :)


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Hi friends

You have any example of how to use Printerce with Basic4ppc?

Thank you