Capture basic drawings?


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I want to be able to put up a form that I can draw or write on with the stylus and save it to an image. I see the cad program etc but this doesnt do what I want.

I may have to draw a simple floor plan and write some notes.

I'm sure this couldn't be too hard


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Hi tsteward,

I found a very simple drawing example in my archive, that was posted here in some other thread (see attachement).
To save an image to a file, just search for these words whithin the forum.



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It could be simple and become hard ?!

It depends on what kind of drawing you want to make.
- simple lines ?
- thin, thick
- double lines (walls) ?
- du you want hatching in the walls ?
- scaled with phyisical dimensions ?
and so on ?

So you should be more precise on what you need or on what you want or on what you wishes.

The CAD program is on the way to do that but it's by far not finished. I have come back on this project these days, worked on another project in the German forum for electical sketch drawing, but this one will not fulfill your scope either.

Best regards.
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It could be simple and become hard ?!

It depends on what kind of drawing you want to make.
- simple lines ?
- thin, thick
- double lines (walls) ?
- du you want hatching in the walls ?
- scaled with pyisical dimensions ?
and so on ?

So you should be more precise on what you need or on what you want or on what you wishes.

The CAD program is on the way to do that but it's by far not finished. I have come back on this project these days, worked on another project in the German forum for electical sketch drawing, but this one will not fulfill your scope either.

Best regards.

Ok trying to be more specific.
I want a blank canvas that I can drag the cursor around and it will leave a line trailing it. Thats all.

This way I could make quick notes, draw a quick scetch etc. Then i want to be able to save this canvas.

Hope this is clearer.



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Hi tsteward,

I found a very simple drawing example in my archive, that was posted here in some other thread (see attachement).
To save an image to a file, just search for these words whithin the forum.


Thats what I wanted thank you. Now I just have to figure out the rest

Thanks Guys


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Yes, now it's clear !

I was thinking of something less simple, with drawing at least straight lines horizontally or vertically and placing graphically some text onto it.

What you are willing to do, I have done this kind of sketches with the standard WM Notes application. There you can combine handdrawing and text entries and save it.

Best regards.


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specci48 has shown me in his example how to draw on a form. It does exactly what I want but. I have searched & read & read and am now probably more confused than before. For the life of me I just can't figure out how to save the drawing.

Just a thought if I do ever manage to save the drawing I would also like to be able to load it and add more ink to it later. Now I am happy to draw on a blank form so I hope this is possible. Well I sure its possible ive just never done anything like this before.

I thought i could probable use dzimage library to do a screen capture but that seems like overkill, or maybe not.

A little more guidance please!



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Hi tsteward,

you could easily save an image to a file with the ImageLibEx.
To load a (saved) picture again assign the image-property of a control to your saved filename.

I attached a small extended version of the draw example. Save and load the image via the menu.



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Drawing Functions

Hi Klaus

Talking about hatching drawing objects, how do you do it? I am busy with the CAD section of my Land Surveying program and the hatching routine is giving me a headache! Kopfschmerzen!:sign0085:

Michael Papenhagen


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Hi Michael,

Sorry, but I have never made any hatching objects yet. I am afraid that I will get the same kind of headake like you. I have not yet begun with this function in my CAD program.

If somebody else has any ideas or suggestions about this subject, I would be intersted too.

Best regards.
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Thank you Specci48. I had read so many post about different library's I just couldn't see my way.
I think this is a common problem. With the evolution of basic4ppc more and more useful features and dll's are available (must be about 50 at the moment), so it is hard to keep yourself up to date every time.

But if you/we can't remember ... just ask the forum! :)



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Ok maybe a really dumb question but how might i clear the image to start drawing again?

Also if I don't want the drawing to cover the whole form how can I achieve this as I would like to put a couple of buttons on the bottom of the form.

Thanks once again


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Use DrawString.....


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Here is a program I use to draw and save to bmp, gif or jpg. Thanks to dzt's lib. you are welcome to use it as needed. I am still working on it.


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That's awesome thank guys. My program really looks great, still a way to go though.

Next stupid question.
If I load an image onto a form and the image is too large, how do I stop it from distorting?

How do I scroll the image and still be able to edit it?