thank you for your help!
Go to "Tools" -> "Components".
Then locate the .dll file and add it, note that this is a device only dll...
I do this -ok.
After this go to "Tools" -> " Add Object"
An object called "pachPower" show be shown...
"Add Object" is grey and I cannot select it.
select it and insert a name to use it in b4p enviroment..
In your code you will first have to initialize the dll component..
Imagine that you nemed the object as "Power"...
Typing "Power." will sho the available method for the dll, and a "new" method should be present...
This is the initialization method..
Then, anywere on your code, inside the same module, you can call any other method from the dll...
the available methods are:
SoftReset() Will soft reset the device
PowerOn() Will turn the device ON
PowerOff() Will turn the device OFF
PowerSuspend() Will put the device in Suspend mode
Hope this helps[/QUOTE]
The other points I cannot do so.
What's wrong at my program?
Please excuse my questions!