Google or Microsoft maps from Basic4PPC


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In a Basic4PPC program I have a number of coordinates. Now I am looking for a possibility on my PDA to access internet from my program in order to get a map for a pair of coordinates, without further user intervention.

The map may come from Google or from Microsoft and may appear in an internet window or on a form in my application.

I studied the HTTP lib, but I don't see a solution. Does somebody haved more knowledge on this subject?



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I have installed Google Maps on my PPC. Possibly as a result of this (I'm not certain) if I click on a KML file in File Explorer then Google Maps starts up and shows my KML file. (I have written a program which writes paths, originally derived from a GPS, as KML files.)

So my guess would be that if you call Google Maps with a command-line argument of a KML file name then you might get what you want.

You are welcome to one or more of my KML files if you want to try. They are based in parts of the Mediterranean.



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Use the web browser control to open a local htm file with coordinate. The html file has to follow the google map api.


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Hello Harry,

try to take a look at my old project: db2000 GLIP.
(This project uses the Microsoft Virtual Heart web service)


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Hallo mlcoon,

Thanks for the reply. Could you send me a sample .kml file? Please!

Hallo champpc,

Also from you a sample or some more explanation would be welcome.

Hallo maXim,

May be that the information you are referring to is usefull. However my italian is too poor. If the other solutions do not work, I will try to get it translated by my computer.




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Hallo mjcoon, could you send me a sample .kml file? Please!

Certainly; Since I've chosen a little one I'll put it in this thread in case it is any use to anyone else...



    3.7 KB · Views: 234


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Hallo chanppc,

I made quite some progress. This is a very simple solution. One more question. Do you know of parameters to influence the display of the map? I would like to see just the map with scrolling and zooming possibilities. Now, half of the screen is covered by useless information. What does e.g. sensor=false mean?




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So my guess would be that if you call Google Maps with a command-line argument of a KML file name then you might get what you want.

I wasn't sure whether this solution was not satisfactory for some reason or whether it just didn't work.

It might be useful for me so I experimented until it works. What works for me is:
 Shell("\SD-MMCard\Program Files\GoogleMaps\GoogleMaps.exe", "-KML_FILE " & Chr(34) & KMLfilesName & Chr(34))



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Hello Mike,

Because of the better user interface I have chosen for the shell solution. Of course, as I do not read the posts carefully, I have spent quite some time figuring out the command line. Until I decided to read the posts once again; then I found your helpfull information. Thanks again,
