Icon Editor


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I have written an Icon Editor.

With the program you can :
- create icons 16*16 and 32*32 pixel two icons at the same time and save them into one file.
- create cursors 32*32 pixels only
- create images 192*192 pixels (for the moment)

There is a help file added, desktop only and only in English (for the moment).

The program can of course be improved and there are probably still some bugs in there.
Improvment suggestions and bug reports will be welcome.


I would like to thank very much
Erel for his support
dzt for the image library which was very helpful
agraham for his flood fill library

Update 2008 02 07
- updated to version V1.11 for help files other than English
- added help files for german and french
- update italian text file thank's to filippo
Update 2008 02 08
- added japanese text, thank you Robert

Update 2008 02 11 add the files you are intersted in, in the program's directory
- added spanish text filles and help filefor spanish and portuguese thank's to kyto
- added portuguese text fille thank's to cableguy

Update 2008 02 15
- updated to V1.2
- All the bitmap files have bin merged into ONE file IconEdit.img
- The text files for Spanish and Portuguese are included in the V1.2 zip file

Update 2008 04 12
- updated to V1.3
- added rotation functions in icon and cursor modes

Update 2009 01 11
- update to V1.6
- added VGA support

Update 2009 01 12
- update to V1.7 minor changes


  • IconEdit_2.jpg
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  • IconEditHelpS.zip
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  • IconEdit_1.JPG
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  • IconEditV1_7.zip
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Give This man an Award!!!
He succeeded where we did not...Our First competition finally has a winner...(late, but not last!!)


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I totally agree with DZT... I can't wait to test it on my device!



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Hi Klaus,

:sign0098: and no doubt: " 's Hörnli "

thanks a lot. Very impressive.

What about an .exe File? I would like to test, if the application is faster without basic4ppc runtime on device.
I´ve a PocketPC Phone (HTC). The Editor is very slow on this device.

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Nice work Klaus.

I've copied all the files to my device and will post a report.
I've also compiled 'optimized' and 'non-optimized' versions to my device.
It will give me something to 'play with' whilst sat on the taxi rank tomorrow :)


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My report: Using a Micromaxx MDPPC150 device.

.SBP Source code takes 30ish seconds to load.
Non Optimized compiled takes 20 seconds to load.
Optimized compiled takes around 12 seconds to load.

The load and save options are slow, 'But' ..... hey :sign0060:

This is one application that will be saved to my SD card for future use :sign0188:

A brilliant and simple, easy to use, application. Well done Klaus.
I like all file types on my device to have an associated ico
so I can see what file type it is.

Erel, is it worthy of an award ?


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Hi guys
Thank you for your nice comments.
Thanks also to taximania for the testing.

As I already said, improvement suggestions are welcome and bug reports of course also. I am open to positive 'critics', that's the only way to make programs more usefull and userfriendly.

I know that the loading of the icons is a little slow, I will look if there could be any improvement done but I'm not shure that there will be a big speed increase.
I wrote my own routines to load bitmaps in different formats in Basic4ppc, not usable on the device, really toooooo long. Fortunately those can be loaded directly and with the trick of Erel to change any bitmap format to 32 bits no problem, this to be able to draw on the images afterwords (wolfgang it works, it's in there).
The drawing functions can also be percieved somewhat slow, this is mainly due to the undo and redo functions.

If there is somebody who speaks spanish and or portuguese and would make me the favour to translate the text files (~70 small phrases), I would appreciate. The program is already prepared for. The text files when translated from either
IconEditE.txt English
IconEditD.txt Deutsch
IconEditF.txt Francais
IconEditI.txt Italiano Hallo filippo könntest Du mal die italienischen Texte nachschauen, habe versucht sie selbst zu überstetzen, aber nun ja ?
IconEditJ.txt Japanese I'm shure that my friend Robert (alfcen) will translate the japanese version.
So after translation save the files under
IconEditS.txt Spanish
IconEditP.txt Portuguese
the program will recognize them.
Thank you in advance.

The icons for the program were of course generated with itself.

I have updated the program, in the original post, and added user manuals in german and french.



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Hallo Klaus,
Sorry it took awhile, I was blown away by your incredibly awesome work!
I don't dare to refuse you the Japanese text file :)
You did great on this application!


  • IconEditJ.txt
    1.7 KB · Views: 412


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Hallo Robert,
Nice to hear from you, thank you for the japanese text file.
It has been added into the zip file in the first post.
If once you need a translation into french please don't hesitate.


This just signifies everything that this Forum is about.
Its great to see so much community spirit, great work guys :sign0188:



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Send me the english textfile and I will translate into Portugueese...

Deleted member 103

Hallo klaus,

I have tried my best

Ich habe mein bestens versucht...



  • IconEditI.txt
    1.6 KB · Views: 381


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Hallo Filippo
Danke für Deine Mühe, werde es in Kürze mit der Datei von cableguy updaten.
Thank you for your help, I will update the post very soon with cableguys translation.

Hello cableguy,
All the text files are included in the IconEditV1.11.zip file.
The English file is IconEditE.txt, these are the texts used inside the program.
So you can choose what language you will translate from, you can even try japanese if you want, thank's to Robert(alfcen).
Thank you in advance for your engagement !

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Hi klaus...
i was just in the midle of the translation, and decide to take a peak at the changes...
And i noticed that the portuguese language name is miss written.
It reads "portuguesh" when it should read "Português"...just a minor issue, it's a great piece of software, wich I will be using a lot to create my own apps icons..
Another suggestion for v1.2, would be to include all the bar icon files in one dat file and them retrieve them...
it would save some space and all the files would be concentrated in one place...

btw, i will be posting my translation sunday night..


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Spanish Translation.


Hello Klaus!
Excellent work!

I would like contributing with Spanish’s translation of program and the help file.



  • IconEditS.txt
    1.5 KB · Views: 398


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Hello kyto
Thank you for your translation into spanish,
I will add it at the same time with the portuguese version.
In the mean time I am looking to put all the images in one file after cableguy's suggestion.

I am always impressed on the solidarity of people in this forum.



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Portuguese translation attached....

Glad to ear you will be taking my sugestion, I already saw the modded dat file creator you putted together..awsome!!
Can't wait for v1.5:sign0188:
Another sugestion, have a look at my about panel dll...it's a much better looking about panel, and fully customizable...


  • IconEditP.txt
    1.5 KB · Views: 406