Wi-Fi Chat & file transfer application


Licensed User
Longtime User
Updated to ver.2.9, see post below
The application file includes compilations for QVGA, forced QVGA and desktop.
The wav files are needed in the same directory.
The source file includes the code, the smilies which are embedded and the icon.
Put the manual in the same directory also.


A chat and file transfer application, using WiFi ad-hoc connection between two devices (no need for internet connection).
It is using the examples Erel gave in his network manual and in the forum.
It can be used also between a desktop and a device - for developing and debugging.

The zip has device, VGA device and desktop exe files, sounds (which I failed to include in an imagelist because they are notimages...:(). The user manual in English will follow in the next post.

Enjoy, I'll appreciate comments.

BTW - I used a progress bar for the file transfer but it slowed the transfer, so it was replaced by percentage in numbers.


  • chat application.zip
    271.9 KB · Views: 1,249
  • chat source.zip
    27.3 KB · Views: 1,100
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
User Manual

The Manual for the Chat program ver 2.9

Please join the two parts in Word, name the file "User Manual CHAT English.doc"


  • User Manual CHAT English part1.zip
    237.9 KB · Views: 704
  • User Manual CHAT English part2.zip
    324.1 KB · Views: 646
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User

I updated the program in the first post to ver 2.7, same functionality but with nicer icons and 5 instead of 4.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Sorry, they are embedded, but required for compilation of the code.
Here they are.

In a short time I'll send the new version which enables chat and file delivery in a network of more than two participants.


  • smilies.zip
    20 KB · Views: 489


Licensed User
Longtime User
Update to Version 2.9 - Multi user

The application at the first post is updated.

This version enables chat between many members on the same wi-fi network (no need to have internet connection), using text and smilies, and file transfer between any two members.

It was checked with four devices together, one as Server and the others as clients.

I attach also a user manual which can be read also on the device from the help menu.

I'll appreciate bug reports , comments and improvements.

Thanks to Erel, Agraham and many others in this wonderful forum.