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I wrote this app because I always have my cell phone with me (Omnia 910) and often want a GPS snapshot of my current location. The locations log (Location, Latitude, Longitude, & Altitude) is saved as a CSV file.

This program uses the Microsoft intermediate GPS driver (gpsdriver.dll) and I am running the program under WM 6. It uses extensive code (and the compass image) found in the Open Source Programs section of the forum.

I have many thanks for, and much appreciation of the real brains that figured out and developed the libraries and code necessary to make GPS programming a reality on my device. What I did was pretty much cosmetic, but I would up with a program that works the way I want it to work.

The program is not functional on the desktop, of course, but you can run it there to view the about and help files and to see the layout of the main GPS page, the satellites page, and the Log page.

It is, of course, freeware and I hope others find it useful.
New version 11 Sept 2009, see post #4 for description.
Version 1.3 12 Dec 2009 - added support for Google Earth kml files.
Version 1.4 22 Dec 2009 - improved editing (including manually adding a location), and table sort.
(zip file includes all dll files for convenience).


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Thanks. It doesn't require an Omnia. Although the Omnia is a WQVGA device I programmed it for QVGA. it should work on any device running WM 5 or greater, perhaps also on a PPC. Of course, I have no way of testing on other devices. I'd sure like to hear from others what it works on and whether it works with an external GPS.



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I have added a few refinements to this GPS program.

(1) Picking any two locations calculates the distance between them (see screenshot).
(2) Confirm deletions from log table (I got tired of accidental erasures).
(3) SIP automatically appears/hides when appropriate.
(4) Position Dilution of Precision is displayed and interpreted (Ideal, Excellent, Good, Moderate, Fair, Poor).
(5) Several usability tweaks.
(6) Compiled with autoscale and emulator tested for QVGA, VGA, WQVGA, WVGA. Doesn't work with square (320 x 320) devices.

Feedback appreciated!



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Version 1.3:

Added support for Google Earth kml file support. Now the stored GPS locations can be saved to a kml file which, when double clicked, will take you to Google Earth (if installed) with all of your stored locations marked.

Thanks to chanppc for the kml code!


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Version 1.4

I improved editing of log files.

Added ability to manually add a location.

Implemented table sort.


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:) Hello david.

I have been playing with your App and also have workt on this some. Like adding some wav sound filles, for directions. But now I do have a slight problem.
The App uses gpsdriver.dll. HTC HD uses its own build it GPS. I would like to use an external Bluetooth GPS the Batt Power = 8 h.

How can I with some help maybe, set up a Comm Port for the App ?
This way I am able to continue to use and work on the Program. For external Bluetooth Gps I need to use Comm Port 8 on the HTC HD Phone. A test with a different App that uses Comm Port settings, works with the HTC HD.

Thank you for all HELP on this...

Best Regards.



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Hi all.

I did enjoy Davids App GPSlog. Using it with the HTC HD Device (Internal GPS), it runs pretty darn good. I added a thing or two.
But, the internal GPS Device, (HTC HD) needs alot of Batt Power. I thougt it might be better and tried my extern Bluetooth Device. Hours use = 8. Now, after a few weeks I got the HTC HD working with a Com Port. Super ! Heck, its about time now.

Heres the Deal: I Pmd David asking if it would be possible to maybe help so GPSlog would run using GPSSerial.dll. (to add a
Com port).

I'm happy you are getting satisfaction using GPSlog. I also find it very handy.
I'm not sure I can help you as (1) I am not very knowledgeable in serial communications, and (2) I have no external GPS hence no way to debug or test any such changes. I can see that I would use the Serial2 library to add a Com port but I don't know what, if anything, I need to do to get the GPS to use this port. Of course, you are free to experiment yourself or seek help from other users that are more knowledgeable than I.
Good luck! If you still think I may help, please contact me again.

I really like working with this and want to continue adding Sound.
Off and On I am working on real sound for Heading using a timer so we can set the Interval 5/10/15 minutes, for live sound. Also add a Sound On/Off option.

I myself as David also are not very knowledgeable at this sort of thing. Would it be possible Please, to maybe get a little
help on this one ? I think this would also serve as very good Learn Material, on how to make a GPS App using GPS Driver.dll
use Serial2.dll. to get Com Port Access.

Thank you.

seeking help please.

Update: i just about had this working with the Serial.dll ! darn Hummbug... i will keep working and trying.

Best Regards.

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:) Hi

I am playing with the GPSLogSerial App that David Fallen had coded.
I had added the NMEA Modul into the Program, to view the NMEA raw data.
This saves the NMEA data.

Sub btnLog_Click
FileOpen(File, LogFileName, cWrite, ,cASCII)
FileWrite(File, TextBox1.Text)
End Sub

Now I like to few the NMEA data that had been saved with the Editor. I am unable to access the saved data on Device with the Editor. Data is saved in the main App.

Using the Editor to open File:
Sub mnuOpen_Click
OpenDialog1.Filter = "CSV Files|*.csv|Text Files|*.txt|All Files|*.*"
If OpenDialog1.Show <> cCancel Then
TextBox1.Text = FileReadToEnd(c1)
LastFile = OpenDialog1.File
SaveChanges = False
End If
Msgbox("Error opening file.","",cMsgboxOK,cMsgboxHand)
End Sub

A mistake of mine somewhere I think… :confused:

But I am not getting access to the file, how do I access the file, can someone please help me on this…

Thank you very much.

Best regards.



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:) Hi mjcoon.

Well what does not happen ? On the device I am not getting the App Folder to show, so I am not able to load the saved NMEAFile in the Main App on Device.

Best regards.

EDIT: What does happen : On Device when wanting to open the NMEA File, I only get the All Files to open, and what type of file to open.
CSV, Text Files, and All Files. But the only thing I would like to open is: main App, then open the NMEA Data File.
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... On Device when wanting to open the NMEA File, I only get the All Files to open, and what type of file to open.
CSV, Text Files, and All Files. But the only thing I would like to open is: main App, then open the NMEA Data File.

Do you mean that you do not get a browse window from which to choose a file? Or that you can only browse to the wrong places? Do you know about the limitation addressed in

You haven't said what file extension you are trying to write, or whether you can see your file in the App folder via File Explorer (or 3rd-party equivalent, such as Total Commander which I use).

Show us a screen-shot (a picture is worth 1k-words, they say...)?



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Well i sure would like to show a screen-shot of Device, (NO APP for Device). The only thing I can tell you is I can access the main App Folder. But the NMEA data file saved, is not shown to select for opening it.


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:sign0161: here we have a Screen-shot of the Device.


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I am using this Editor to open the saved NMEA data file. I made a copy of NMEA data file that had been saved on Device. Still am unable to access the text file.

the Attached Thumbnail shows Typ: but text file is missing to choose


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is there a way to access the App Folder direct, since NMEA data folder is saved as
NMEA Text ? hi Klaus.


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There are 2 problems:
- you save your NMEA file with the extension *.log but you look for *.csv, *.txt and *.* files and not for *.log files why ?
- if your app folder is in some subfolder this one will not be seen by the OpenFile object on the device as already reported by mjcoon, look in the help file.
Do you really need to retrieve the NMEA sentence ?
With the GPSDriver or GPSSerial libraries you have direct access to the most usefull parameters.

Best regards.


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:) Hi Klaus.

- you save your NMEA file with the extension *.log but you look for *.csv, *.txt and *.* files and not for *.log files why ?

Ok thanks for the *.log. why ? please do not ask .

- if your app folder is in some subfolder this one will not be seen by the OpenFile object on the device as already reported by mjcoon, look in the help file.

- no. the app folder is on Device Storage Card, and not in some subfolder.
- yes I would like to few NMEA data after it had been saved, in app folder.
so, there is not a sub folder, just the app folder and the saved NMEA data in same said folder...

Edit: using the posted Editor I am able to write and save, open a text file, in the same App. So I am thinking it ought to work ?

Now we can save and view NMEA data.
Seems to work with Opendialog.Filter = "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|Data files (*.dat)|*.dat|All files (*.*)|*.*"

Update: oh now I have access to same NMEA data file using Word Mobile. :)


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:) Hi Basic4 PPC Forum

:) Today is a good day !

I have been playing with the GPSLog App. We now find a few more functions.

1. We added a Clock (have not added Clock Functions from Klaus yet)
2. Have some Sound settings now. (Thank you very much Klaus, this is great)
3. Added new Modules, NMEA, Satellites
4. Now we will find a GPSLog Menu, using a Panel

Functions of GPSLog Menu Panel:

Included are an Editor, Sound, Sunrise, Save Waypoint, and Load Waypoint with Trackback functions (TRB).
Some of the functions do not work yet, but we are getting close. (Editor needs UNDO function)

Functions we are still working on:

1. Save Lat, Long (here we save current position)
2. Load a position
3. Trackback function (TRB)

Now I need to find a correct way to hook up the rest of functions. I will post the Updated GPSLog App in a day or so.
Still like to try and get this done as much I can myself. :sign0137:
Heck, I got to play with something. LOL

Hi Klaus. :) its not easy, but it can be done. To understand all this... oh well. I can not do much, but little is better then nothing ! :)

Best regards.
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:) Hi all

Another version of GPSlog. I've been working a few Nights on this, still will not work 100%. Still need to get a few things connected, for it to work maybe .
I think some of the code might not be all correct, but I just am unable to go on any further with it. :( This sure is pretty hard Dung ! :sign0085: It would be very cool, if my Master (Klaus) maybe check this mess out for me and add the Magic Touch to it. :sign0137:

Dll's are NOT included. Sound files can be found they are also posted on the forum Sites. :sign0013: that I am such a Pain in the Neck. Help to find rest of Bugs, is needed please. I forgot were i had posted sound files darn s..t !

Thank you very much.
Updated Log02 zip and added the recGifs.

Best regards.



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