Installation test

Big JR

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Longtime User
Could someone with WM5 help me by testing if my installation works OK. I have used Natural Installer which needs the platform to be specified. It only goes up to Windows Mobile 2003 so I suspect that the installation won't install anything under WM5 but there is always hope.
Successful install should put these files in these folders:
Test.exe into <installdir>
nellie link file into \windows\help
nelhlp.htm into \windows
It will put an icon under Programs.
It will have remove under the normal Settings.
This is just a test program with a couple of buttons -- one should display the help file of the actual program I am working on.


Licensed User
Longtime User
All worked OK...How did You link the helpfile? It's a way bettet solution than using a textbox....

ALmost forgot!

Qtek9000 using WM5 AKU 1.30.77 WWE

Big JR

Licensed User
Longtime User
Many thanks Cableguy. That's good news. At least Natural Installer removes all complexities of .cab and .inf files.

As regards the link to help, I use...

Sub Button1_Click
If FileExist("\windows\help\nellie.lnk") = true and FileExist("\windows\nelhlp.htm") = true then
Shell("\Windows\peghelp.exe", "file:nelhlp.htm#Main_Contents", "", "", "", 0, "", "", "","")
msgbox("Can't find help file", "Nellie", cMsgBoxOK, cMsgBoxExclamation)
end if
End Sub

The link file contains just one line:

The 19 refers to the number of characters in "\Windows\nelhlp.htm"

The help file html is different to PC help files.

There's good guide at:

Hope this helps


Licensed User
Longtime User
That is a great tip....I suggest You post it on the tips and tricks thread...

Thanks John

Big JR

Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks Erel. I was meaning to take a look at SetupBuilder. But does it allow you to specify different destination folders for different files? The help link needs to go in \Windows\help but you'd want the main files to go in <installDir>.


Licensed User
Yeah I found out the hard way that it only supports installing to one folder. I thought I could trick out the installer and tried editing the .inf file as such:

Changed [SourceDiskNames] to have just two references, 1 for the app, and 1 subfolder under the app folder for all my 271 icons -now you see why I don't want them in the app folder ;)

I then changed the [SourceDisksFiles] section and manually added all the icon filenames and the applicable pointer from [SourceDiskNames].

Then added another path in [DestinationDirs] and referenced that path with all the files in another section (basically following the lead of the sample.inf.

Long story short, I still ended up with all files in app folder. What little hair I have left is gone :(

Erel, do you think this is possible but I just missed something?


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Could someone with WM5 help me by testing if my installation works OK. I have used Natural Installer which needs the platform to be specified. It only goes up to Windows Mobile 2003 so I suspect that the installation won't install anything under WM5 but there is always hope.
Successful install should put these files in these folders:
Test.exe into <installdir>
nellie link file into \windows\help
nelhlp.htm into \windows
It will put an icon under Programs.
It will have remove under the normal Settings.
This is just a test program with a couple of buttons -- one should display the help file of the actual program I am working on.
Works on O2 Atom Life WM6(upgrade) too!:sign0142::sign0144:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Errors in Installer?

What's a guy to do? I've done nothing more than downloaded and compiled the SetupBuilder program - do I need to edit it before compiling and using it? It appears so, but I am looking for a quick and not-so-dirty answer -

Thanks, all! The DOS output window is clipped below (sorry about the long pathnames)...


D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners
\Development\SetUpBuilder\Packages>D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPE
RP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners\Development\SetUpBuilder\Packages\Cabwiz.exe
"D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartne
rs\Development\SetUpBuilder\MasterTime2007\MasterTime2007_PPC.inf" /dest "D:\Doc
uments and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners\Devel
opment\SetUpBuilder\MasterTime2007" /cpu ARM ARM4
'D:\Documents' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners
\Development\SetUpBuilder\Packages>del D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPH
SUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners\Development\SetUpBuilder\MasterTime2007\
The system cannot find the file specified.

D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners
\Development\SetUpBuilder\Packages>del D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPH
SUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners\Development\SetUpBuilder\MasterTime2007\
The system cannot find the file specified.

D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners
\Development\SetUpBuilder\Packages>del D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPH
SUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners\Development\SetUpBuilder\MasterTime2007\
The system cannot find the file specified.

D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners
\Development\SetUpBuilder\Packages>del D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPH
SUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners\Development\SetUpBuilder\MasterTime2007\
The system cannot find the file specified.

D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners
Press any key to continue . . .


Licensed User
Longtime User
Files Created AFTER I exited SetUpBuilder

Well, ain't that a kick - When I gave up hope and exited SetUpBuilder, the files then appeared...interesting, if not altogether strange.

Any other hints on using this and other tools would be much appreciated.



Licensed User
Longtime User
So I am Learning How to Use This Tool by Trial and Error

Files (do.bat, Cab.ini, MasterTime2007_PPC) are built and in the proper directories, ut now when I go to run the EXE builder, it says to Build CABS first - but they're built - Did I need to do other things with SetUpBuilder (1.05 Sven version) before using it? Or am I just not getting it (which is most likely)?

Thanks -


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi and Welcome...

I've never noticed that behavior from the setup builder, but then again i only used it once...:)

Anyway, The setup builder is quite straight foward and the only faulty feature is the abilitry to copy specific files to specific copying x files to your default app folder and y files to the Windows folder, like help files or link files...etc...

Everytime Erel Updates is info on the possible AppFolders possible I update the setup builder...
My current release,always based on Erels setup builder, is now the 1.1 wich allows you to create a shortcut in the Starup,Programs or Games Folder...


Licensed User
Longtime User
Following INstallation INstructions on the Website helps!

I guess I should have read: Istall Cabwiz first, the EZSetup from SBP -
That should do it -


Licensed User
Longtime User
Same Problem -

D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners
\Development\SetUpBuilder>D:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce420\POCKET PC 200
3\Tools\Cabwiz.exe "D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Document
inf" /dest "D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_Bound
lessPartners\Development\SetUpBuilder\MasterTime2007" /cpu ARM ARM4
'D:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners
\Development\SetUpBuilder>del D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\M
y Documents\_BoundlessPartners\Development\SetUpBuilder\MasterTime2007\MasterTim
The system cannot find the file specified.

D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners
\Development\SetUpBuilder>del D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\M
y Documents\_BoundlessPartners\Development\SetUpBuilder\MasterTime2007\MasterTim
The system cannot find the file specified.

D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners
\Development\SetUpBuilder>del D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners\Development\SetUpBuilder\MasterTime2007\MasterTime2007_PPC.arm4.dat
The system cannot find the file specified.

D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners
\Development\SetUpBuilder>del D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\M
y Documents\_BoundlessPartners\Development\SetUpBuilder\MasterTime2007\do.bat
The system cannot find the file specified.

D:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Hill.DPHSUPERP4\My Documents\_BoundlessPartners
Press any key to continue . . .