Android Tutorial Samsung Galaxy Nexus layout

I have a new toy :)

The attached AbstractLayout.txt file includes the layouts of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, the first Android 4.0 device.
You should copy it to Basic4android installation folder.
The values are:
Samsung Galaxy Nexus (portrait): 720x1184, scale=2
Samsung Galaxy Nexus (landscape): 1196x720, scale=2



This image shows the difference between the default phone layout (black area) and this phone layout:



  • AbstractLayouts.txt
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Please advise, how can i set the "abstracts layout" for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7" P3100) with a resolution of 1024 x 600 ?
Or what are the parameters for the New Variants?


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If I have the device I connect it to the abstract designer and I obtain the client size automatically.If I have the device I connect it to the abstract designer and I obtain the client size automatically.

Otherwise if I don't have a specific device to connect how I can known wich is the client size in order to set the layout variant ?


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If I have the device I connect it to the abstract designer and I obtain the client size automatically.If I have the device I connect it to the abstract designer and I obtain the client size automatically.

Otherwise if I don't have a specific device to connect how I can known wich is the client size in order to set the layout variant ?

In other words, within the new layout variant I have to specified the device size (720x1280) or the "client" size (720x1184) ?


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The client size. Though I don't recommend you to create a variant for this device. Instead you should try to only use the default variant with AutoScaleAll.

I can known the client size when I have the real device and I connect it to the abstract designer.

But If I don't have the real device how I can known the client size ?