The introduction of a true compiler for Basic4PPC opens up some avenues previously
closed. One of these is the ability to write threads in Basic4PPC code rather than only
being able to do this in a pre-compiled library. This library provides a Thread object
to do this.
The Thread object of this library is intended for use with the optimising compiler of
Basic4PPC version 6 onwards. However it can run, after a fashion, in the IDE and in a
legacy compiled application. The library protects itself, and you, if it finds itself
running in a legacy mode and issues warnings that functions are not available. The
purpose of allowing this is to enable debugging of thread code in the IDE because
debugging a compiled application is more tricky than using the debugger in the IDE.
This library also provides a Process object. It provides the same ability as Shell in
Basic4PPC in that it starts a program running alongside a Basic4PPC application.
However, unlike Shell, it is possible to identify if that program is still running and
receive an event when it terminates. Process should operate identically whether run in
the IDE, legacy compiled or optimised compiled.
This library requires .NET 2.0 on both desktop and device.