B4A Library Audio library v1.5 - New AudioStreamer object - Erel    Nov 10, 2023   (11 reactions) This version includes a new AudioStreamer type. Note that this is a beta version (for this type only).
The purpose of AudioStreamer is to make it simple to stream audio from the microphone and to the speakers. Internally it is based on AudioTrack and AudioRecord.
Next week I plan to create an example of streaming audio between two devices (walkie-talkie app).
Recording is done by calling... B4A Question AudioStreamer and buffer size - Addo    Apr 6, 2018 i am using audio streamer to record and audio from microphone thats how i initialize the audio streamer audioStream.Initialize2(1, "AudioStream", 8000, True, 16, audioStream.VOLUME_MUSIC) Sub AudioStream_RecordBuffer (Data() As Byte) Dim Packet As UDPPacket ToastMessageShow(Data...<byte>.Create(BUFFSIZE div 4); AudioRecorder := TJAudioRecord.JavaClass.init (TJMediaRecorder_AudioSource.JavaClass.MIC, 8000, TJAudioFormat.JavaClass.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, TJAudioFormat.JavaClass... B4A Question AudioStreamer clarification/java method access - OliverA    Sep 6, 2018 In the library post "Audio library v1.5 - New AudioStreamer object", it statesThe purpose of AudioStreamer is to make it simple to stream audio from the microphone and to the speakers... AudioRecord's constructor?
As to AudioStreamer's PlayerBufferSize property, is it equivalent... B4J Question [SOLVED] AudioStreamer - Star-Dust    Jul 29, 2020 In B4A there is the audio library that makes the AudioStramer class available. Thus it is possible to send supine in byte format.
Dim Data() as Byte
Is there anything... B4A Question Select Audio In/Out devices for AudioStreamer - yo3ggx    Oct 4, 2022 s;
#End If
How can I set the audio in and audio out devices in AudioStreamer, using...Hello,
Starting with Android 6.0, you can get the available audio input and output devices using... B4A Question Play audiostream [b4x]? - ilan    Apr 21, 2024 hi
i need a simple example on how to play audiostream (mp3 url) on b4a and b4i.
i was thinking of SMM but am not able to get it to work.
any simple example on how to play an audio file over the internet?
thanx... Wish AudioStreamer: 2 additional methods and 1 additional property - OliverA    Sep 17, 2018 the buffer size that AudioStreamer uses to conduct the recordings.
I wish for two additional methods for AudioStreamer:
1) StartRecording2(Size As Int)
Where Size is the amount of bytes AudioStreamer should... tell AudioStreamer how much to read from the initially set recording buffer, one would gain better... B4A Question AudioStreamer problem - GiovanniPolese    May 13, 2022 Hi to All.
One month ago I did an App using AudioStreamer from the Audio library. It was working and I left it for a while. Now I try to compile it again and I get the message that the AudioStreamer object doesn't exist and that I forgot the Audio library, which of course is selected.. I also try the basic example with same result. It seems very strange.. Tried to reload the library, without... B4A Question Mixing audiostream - sorex    Feb 24, 2015 Hello, Did anyone ever succeed to do mixing of 2 (or more) audiostreams? When I have 2 streams running it first seemed to work fine but after seconds there is starting to be some delays. After half a minute it's 10+ seconds already. I guess it is playing each stream buffer after each other instead of mixing them for sumiltanious play.... B4A Question AudioStreamer Echo - Addo    Jul 4, 2020 i have built a multiable audio conversation using 2 audiostreamer objects works so far so good when...("isAvailable", Null) = True Then
Dim r As Reflector
r.Target = streamer
Dim AudioRecord... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   |