B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS TextFieldAdvanced - Title, Information, Counter, Password, Button, Prefix, Suffix, Icons, Multiline - Alexander Stolte    May 17, 2024   (57 reactions) .
Icon As B4XBitmap
IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
View As ASTextFieldAdvanced_ViewLeadingIcon
Visible As Boolean... Tool [B4X] MaterialIcons Web Font Chooser - Erel    May 26, 2021   (21 reactions) https://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/SS-2019-03-21_15.24.44.png
This is an icon chooser tool for the MaterialIcons Web font: https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign-Webfont
This font... B4J Tutorial [B4X] FontAwesome & Material Icons fonts - Erel    Dec 15, 2016   (39 reactions)   tags: Material Icons, Icons FontAwesome and Material Icons are two free icon sets including more than 1500 icons. They are implemented as regular font files which means that each icon is a regular character, exactly like any other Unicode character. Only fields that use the FontAwesome or Material Icons font will show the icon characters properly. Starting from B4J v4.70 / B4A v6.50 / B4i v3.50 they are integrated in... the icons. 1. Set the control's font to FontAwesome or Material Icons. 2. Open the icon picker... B4i Tutorial Icons and Launch Images - Erel    Oct 3, 2017   (11 reactions) This tutorial is relevant for B4i v4.40+. App icons iOS apps require a wide range of icon sizes. Starting from 20x20 and up to 1024x1024. B4i will create all icons automatically based on the large icon (icon-store-1024.png). Start by putting your own image in <project>\Files\Special. The file name should be icon-store-1024.png (all lowercase) and its size should be 1024x1024. When you run the project all icons will be created under <project>\Objects\src\Images.xcassets\AppIcon... B4i Tutorial BarButton icons - Erel    Dec 15, 2016   (1 reaction) 50987 Adding icons to labels and buttons is very simple as explained here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-fontawesome-material-icons-fonts.72908/#content You can use the same technique to add icons to any view with a text property. This includes the toolbar buttons. You need to set the Font to the correct type and then paste the icon in the Text field: https://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/SS-2016-12-15_17.11.14.png In this case the icon will look as a square in the IDE... B4A Example [B4X] AS BottomActionSheet - Small Icon - Alexander Stolte    Nov 4, 2024   (5 reactions) I will show you how you can add a small icon to an item and customize it to your needs. A small icon is an icon that can be placed before or after the text, e.g. it symbolizes that this item is only available in the premium version. 158300 Add Item with a small icon You can use the new AddItem2 function to add an item with a small icon. BottomActionSheet.AddItem2("Item #4",Null... the position, size and a gap of the small icon. You can only customize it before the item is added... B4A Example [B4X] AS PopupMenu with icons - Alexander Stolte    Jan 13, 2024   (7 reactions) .IconProperties.HorizontalAlignment = aspm_Main.OrientationHorizontal_RIGHT aspm_Main.AddMenuItemWithIcon...) aspm_Main.AddMenuItemWithIcon("Item #2",aspm_Main.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xE192),True,20,xui... Wish iOS Alternate Icon (Change Icon at Runtime) - mcqueccu    Nov 27, 2023 Good day, Please with the change icon programmatically implemented for Android, thanks to @Mariano Ismael Castro , can we have the same for iOS.
They are calling it Alternate App icions
https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/configuring_your_app_to_use_alternate_app_icons... B4i Question icon inside string does not show - ilan    Aug 27, 2024 hi
i noticed that in b4i (b4a works fine) if i put a fontawesome icon inside the string it does... show the icon:
Private Sub Button2_Click
Label1.Text = $"Congratulations, you won! ${Chr... B4i Question icon-store-1024.png is missing - ykucuk    Aug 31, 2023 Hello everyone,
When I build a release app, I get the error: "icon-store-1024.png is missing from Files\Special. Using default icon." However, I have the "icon-store-1024.png" in the "Files\Special" directory. What am I doing wrong? Can anyone help?... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   |