B4J Tutorial [Web] Beginning Telegram Mini Apps - Back & Settings Buttons - Mashiane    Jul 26, 2024   (2 reactions) Hi Fam The back button controls the visibility & navigation when the back button is active. This is like the normal back button in an app. The settings buttons show on the right menu of the bot. This is demonstrated below. Demo https://youtube.com/shorts/oGRG9_XRXCY We define the buttons Priv B4A Question Back button disappearing while navigating between pages. - LucaMs (first post)    Mar 05, 2022   (1 reaction) The "back button" allows you to return to the calling page; if you remove that page, page 2 in your case, by calling ShowPageAndRemovePreviousPage, you cannot return to it, of course.
Note that, however, if page 2 calls page 1, the back button would return you to page 2, not to the MainPage, becaus B4A Question Resume app - Brian Dean (first post)    Mar 17, 2022   (1 reaction) 3. VERY IMPORTANT - the Android "back button" is a problem. If a player moves from Activity1 to Activity2 then the back button will take them back to Activity1 - this is not whar you want to happen. If they close and restart the app after reaching Activity2 then they will restart in Activity2 and wi B4A Question Back button only for change panels - Erel (first post)    Jun 02, 2020   (1 reaction) Another option is to use multiple activities instead of panels. This way the navigation will work out of the box. B4A Question Back key and home key on the device - Erel (first post)    Sep 22, 2020   (1 reaction) Tip: switch to B4XPages and everything will be simpler. In non-B4XPages the back button destroys the current activity and the home button pauses the activity and shows the home screen. In B4XPages the back button hides the current page. Pages are never paused or destroyed. The home button moves the B4A Question Captuting Androids back button - consistantly - Erel (first post)    Mar 02, 2022 Pressing on the back button will remove the current page by default. It will move to the home screen if the current page is the only page on the pages stack. B4A Question b4x FileDialog / FileChooser - johnmie (first post)    Mar 12, 2021 Foreget it. I Just discovered that the back button < on the new Android version cancels the dialog without killing the app. However, I'd still prefer to work with the file picker (which would be much easier for the user) if it wasn't for the permission issue. Best, john m. B4i Question Display back button when I choose - Erel (first post)    Sep 17, 2024   (1 reaction) If you want the standard back button to appear then implement this panel as an additional B4XPages. Your other option is to set B4XPage.GetNativeParent(Me).TopRightButtons B4A Question Programmatic Page Navigation in B4XPages - doncx (first post)    Apr 09, 2023 Yes, that was my expectation, but the back button almost always continues to work (through the sequence of pages) after calls to . But not always.
The problem with ClosePage() is that though it works on Android, the documentation says it only works on the "top" page in B4i. B4A Question Back button(on Keypress event) crashing app - An Schi (first post)    May 26, 2017   (2 reactions) If i remember correctly you have to use 'return true or false' properly in this case.
I'm on my phone in the train, so i can't do it for you. But you will find keycode subs examples here with the correct use of return. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |