B4A Question Debug an app from play store - mcqueccu (first post)    May 31, 2023   (1 reaction) Just login to your play console, and look at the crash logs, you should be able to see where the crash is coming from.
It could be:
1. App not compatible with some specific Devices or
2. App is crashing on specific android versions.
Both of this will direct you on what to do or which devices to B4A Question How to test an apk on all versions of Android? - vecino (first post)    Jun 19, 2020 What is "debug key"? B4A Question Debug(rapid) fails compile, Debug(legacy) compiles - Erel (first post)    Jul 17, 2015 How is Query declared? Is it possible that there is another code module named Query? Italian debug/release - Star-Dust (first post)    Aug 21, 2020   (1 reaction) Si deve vedere il codice, può dipendere da molte cose. In genere la versione release è più veloce e quindi a volte se si accede a risorse non subito disponibili si può interrompere il flusso del codice.
Metti dei log B4A Question Debug performance with large text files - Spavlyuk (first post)    Oct 24, 2023   (2 reactions) It's often recommended to test your apps in release mode as it's expected for the debugger to be slow in certain situations.
As an alternative, you could use BridgeLogger in release mode and "debug" with log statements. B4A Question How to compile project to APK file - DonManfred (first post)    Jan 14, 2021 Look at the screenshot and look for the DEBUG Combobox. ("Debug" is the marked Item.) B4i Question B4I - Run (debug) Not working - Balasubramanian (first post)    Jan 16, 2022 once again i created new one. but still same problem continue Italian Debug di app - LucaMs (first post)    May 26, 2019 Ciao.
Premesso che è molto meglio eseguire i test su dispositivi reali (benché, per vari motivi, a volte non sia possibile), dovresti installare un emulatore (consigliato GenyMotion). B4A Question debug issue: variable growing larger than expected - HowardTheDuck (first post)    Oct 02, 2019 whoops, hope this helps. added a .zip of the project to the first post. thanks Syd! Bug? Debug - Step in (F8) - LucaMs (first post)    Aug 20, 2020 It doesn't matter; after the execution of line 208, line 210 should be executed (ElaborazioneCompletata is irrelevant there) Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |