B4A Class Open Street Map viewer - GPS - spsp    Mar 17, 2021   (61 reactions) - Button Menu - Grid - Center - GPS position and bearing Event : - ready - Lat/lng changed - Zoom... - Button Menu clicked - Scale clicked - Compass Clicked - GPS Clicked Tile Server 2 new properties... for the compass and gps How to use it : - Just add the cvMap custom view with the designer... B4A Library GNSS library - an updated GPS library - agraham    Sep 15, 2022   (41 reactions) The GNSSS library is an updated GPS library that allows you to get information about visible... of the original GPS library and can be used as a drop-in replacement for the GPS library merely... B4A Library Get App Info from GP - ilan    Jul 6, 2017   (17 reactions) hi for my new App i needed a way to get appinfo by putting only the package name of the App. so i build a (b4a) lib. Received Info from The Store: * App Title * App Description * App Rating * App Price * App Icon * App Installs (*v1.01) i will put an example it is really simple to use. have fun :) EDIT: v1.01 allow to get installs of the app. 57234... B4A Class [B4X] GPSPolyMap - check if GPS location is inside a polygon - Biswajit    May 11, 2020   (19 reactions) With this class, you can check if the GPS location coordinate is inside a polygon. You can use this class to check whether the user is inside a building, shopping mall or any custom shape. This class is only for B4A and B4I. Here is how can you get the coordinates of an establishment (school, office, shopping mall or your own house): Open google map. Search for the establishment in which... GPS1_LocationChanged (Location1 As Location) Log(gpm.isInside(Location1.Latitude,Location1... B4A Tutorial GPS tutorial - Erel    Dec 13, 2019   (22 reactions)   tags: gps, Erel This example shows how to work with the GPS library. 45297 The GPS object is declared in the Starter service. It is easier to put the GPS in a service and not in an Activity as the services life... Activity_Resume If Starter.GPS1.GPSEnabled = False Then ToastMessageShow("Please enable the GPS device.", True) StartActivity(Starter.GPS1.LocationSettingsIntent) 'Will... As Boolean) If Result Then CallSubDelayed(Starter, "StartGPS") End If End Sub If not... B4A Question API 31 GPS library don't work at all - andrew007 (first post)    Feb 3, 2022 Ok thanks Erel understand.... B4A Tutorial Deutsche Version der GPS Library - klaus    Jan 30, 2011 Eine Deutsche Version der GPS Library befindet sich hier: Deutsche Version der GPS Library. Beste Grüsse.... B4A Question [SOLVED] GPS Library - BearingTo and DistanceTo - emexes (first post)    Sep 28, 2019 Sorry, got distracted by football. I tested BearingTo and DistanceTo in B4A this afternoon per post... B4A Question these gps library. where to put api key ? - b4xqar (first post)    Jul 25, 2019 oh. got it working. I'm not enabling maps in the billing. thanks! its working now... B4A Question GPS library - Erel (first post)    Feb 5, 2019 GPS doesn't work indoors.... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |