B4i Question GoogleMaps - show multiply panels og canvases with different type of obejcts - TILogistic (first post)    Jul 16, 2021 see:
https://www.b4x.-googlemapsextra.56871/ B4A Tutorial [B4X] [B4XPages] GoogleMaps example - Erel    Jul 13, 2020   (10 reactions) 97060
Example of showing a Google map, in a cross platform B4XPages project. The APIs of the three GoogleMaps libraries are quite different from one another, so we need to use platform specific code for the map creation. Still, it is quite simple to further extend this project and build a cross pla Share My Creation GoogleMapsDemo - klaus    Apr 30, 2024   (22 reactions) Some time ago I played a lot with GoogleMaps according to this post:
The problem was to add other shapes on a googlemap overlapping existing shapes.
When you move the mouse over an existing shape the cursor doesn't work anymore an B4A Code Snippet [B4X] Custom GoogleMaps - MarcoRome    Jul 17, 2020   (10 reactions) Initialize(p)
c.DrawRect(c.TargetRect, xui.Color_White, True, 0)
c.DrawText(text, c.TargetRect.CenterX, c.TargetRect.CenterY + 9dip, xui.CreateDefaultBoldFont(16), xui.Color_Black, "CENTER")
Return c.CreateBitmap
End Sub
Sub CreateRoundBitmap (Input As B4XBitmap, Size A B4A Question GoogleMaps V3 - Erel (first post)    Sep 07, 2020 The GoogleMaps library is based on the latest version of Google Maps SDK. There is nothing newer and it is not the same version as the JavaScript based maps sdk. B4A Question GoogleMaps : I'm loosing my mind with it!!! - TILogistic (first post)    Apr 18, 2022   (1 reaction) ?
Wait For gmap_Ready
GoogleMap1 = Mapfragment1.GetMap
If GoogleMap1.IsInitialized Then
Wait For B4XPage_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
If Result Then
GoogleMap1.MyLocationEnabled = True
G B4i Question Google Maps Compilation Error - German Buchmuller (first post)    Dec 20, 2019   (1 reaction) Solved: GoogleMaps.Framework.zip has inside a forlder called "GoogleMaps.Framework". Inside this folder, there are three files: "GoogleMaps.framework" "GoogleMapsBase.framework" "GoogleMapsCore.framework" These are the files that are needed to be pasted under Libs folder. B4A Question GoogleMaps === CameraChange Event - Erel (first post)    May 29, 2015   (1 reaction) There is no other listener except of the one currently used: https://developers.google..OnCameraChangeListener B4i Tutorial GoogleMaps Tutorial - Erel    Jan 30, 2022   (11 reactions) 5. Copy the GoogleMaps.bundle folder from the example project (under Files\Special) to Files\Special in your project.
You can download the example project from: https://www.b4x.com/b4i/files/GoogleMaps.zip
- GoogleMaps iOS SDK v6.0.1 was uploaded to the builders.
Make sure to update File B4J Question GoogleMaps - Polyline Banding Problem [Issue Identified But Not Solved] - Erel (first post)    Jul 04, 2022 Have you changed the Java version?
It might be related to a change in Google JavaScript behavior. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |