B4A Code Snippet Set HTTP Request Header with OkHttpUtils2 - Erel    Sep 17, 2018   (11 reactions) Description: The following code allows you to set the request headers before the request is sent. This is useful for example with sites that block requests without a User-Agent header. This code depends on HttpUtils2 and Http libraries: Dim j As HttpJob j.Initialize("job name", Me) j.Download(<lin B4J Question Set HTTP Request Header with HttpUtils2 - JMB    Apr 12, 2017 Hi there,
I am trying to secure a Web Service which currently has no security on it by using Basic HTTP Authentication and am a little bit confused as to how I would call the service in B4J.
I was reading the thread in the B4A section of the forum about setting headers, as per the title of this po B4A Question NTRIP Mount Points - drgottjr (first post)    Nov 06, 2024   (1 reaction) SOURCETABLE 200 OK is good news. that's the start of server's ouput. here's the http response headers from a server: SOURCETABLE 200 OK Server: SubCarrier Systems Corp SNIP simpleNTRIP_Caster_R3.16.18/of:Nov 04 2024 Date: Wed, 06 November 2024 02:35:06 UTC Content-Type: text/plain Content-Leng B4J Question HTTPJOB get a request as string? - Erel (first post)    Mar 07, 2019   (4 reactions) Usage: If job.Success Then Dim headers As JavaObject = HttpUtils2Service.MyInterceptor.GetFieldJO("headers") Dim names() As Object = headers.RunMethodJO("names", Null).RunMethod("toArray", Null) For Each name As String In names Dim values As List = headers.RunMethod("values", Array( B4A Library OkHttp - Replaces the Http library - wimpie3 (first post)    Oct 29, 2015 Can this new version of httputils2 return the headers? In the previous version a source code modification of the library was needed to do this. I desperately need this to get cookies out of a http response. B4A Question httputils2 and basic authentication problem - n3t (first post)    Apr 13, 2015   (2 reactions) Solved using PostString method and setting basic authentication into http header.
Use base64 function to generate correct header. B4A Question Get specific key from the http response header - DonManfred (first post)    May 03, 2019   (2 reactions) Where is your code? Do not expect everyone know which code you exactly did changed or used. Also note that the okhttputils does provide a Resultobject with the headers. Did you checked them? Sub JobDone(Job As HttpJob) HideKeyboard ProgressDialogHide If Job.Success Then Dim resp B4A Question [ OkHttpUtils2 ] Bug on HttpJob Header ? - Waldemar Lima    Jun 16, 2021 Dim j As HttpJob
j.Initialize("", Me)
j.PostString("https://pay.api","") 'the request parameter is empty as it has no importance in this case as the errors are about the headers ...
' ######
' if I comment out the 2 lines below that are setting headers, I get a "coherent" result
B4J Question get http headers - Erel (first post)    Oct 03, 2017 In exactly the same way as in B4A. OkHttpUtils2 source code is available here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-okhttputils2-ihttputils2-httputils2-source-code.82632/#content
Change hc_ResponseSuccess to:
Sub hc_ResponseSuccess (Response As OkHttpResponse, TaskId As Int)
Response.G B4A Question Unable to read httpjob response headers - PierPaduan    Mar 15, 2019 Hi.
My Android App has OkHttp and OkHttpUtils2 libraries. Now I use B4A v.8.80.
In this app, about two years ago I have implemented a HTTP communication with a remote server. May be that at that time I was using HttpUtils library.
The communication was working very good and was working in the iOS ve Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |