B4A Question Debugging the webview javascript - hatzisn (first post)    Aug 20, 2024 The javaobject allows you to execute java methods with the RunMethod command. exists in java and can be run this way. B4J Question Illegal reflective access by anywheresoftware.b4j.object.JavaObject - Daestrum (first post)    Sep 08, 2023 I think the JavaObject is a red herring. It's just moaning because of access to a package with a name starting with 'sun.*' as they are not meant to be accessesd by user code.
The program seems to have run for a short while ( assuming the arrays are filled by http or similar ) then it errors.
The B4J Question Cannot find additional library - EnriqueGonzalez (first post)    Mar 28, 2017 JavaObject is a powerful tool, i use it a lot to access some hidden Java Api, but if there is already a library for B4X then it is of no use.
i mustly use it for inline java code. B4A Tutorial Inline Java Code - Erel (first post)    Feb 02, 2015   (7 reactions) JavaObject is useful if you want to access a method or two. It quickly becomes cumbersome with more complicated code.
Inline Java is simpler as you can just copy existing java code and is much more powerful. Spanish Error de compilacion - Erel (first post)    Feb 24, 2021 JavaObject is a B4A library. You should quickly delete it from B4i libraries folder. B4A Library JavaObject library - Erel    Jul 11, 2016   (20 reactions) The purpose of JavaObject library is similar to the purpose of Reflection library. Both libraries allow you to directly call Java APIs based on Java reflection features.
JavaObject design is different than Reflection library and in most cases simpler to use. However JavaObject doesn't replace Refle B4J Question JavaObject.InitializeStatic throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException in Release Mode but not in Debug Mode - Tobias Leininger    Sep 16, 2020 sun.glass.ui.InvokeLaterDispatcher$Future.run(InvokeLaterDispatcher.java:96)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui.win.WinApplication._runLoop(Native Method)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui.win.WinApplication.lambda$runLoop$3(WinApplication.java:174)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(T Wish Integrate functions in the core library - Erel (first post)    Jul 03, 2017 You can find many usages of JavaObject (or Reflector) in the forum. Good examples (like the one you posted) don't require any Java knowledge. You just need to take the sub and put it in your project. JavaObject is a very powerful tool which allows me as well as many other developers to help others B4J Tutorial "Embedding" JSpice in B4J - Johan Schoeman (first post)    Mar 12, 2023   (2 reactions) Dim squareObject As JavaObject
squareObject.InitializeArray("org.knowm.jspice.simulate.transientanalysis.driver.Driver", Array(square))
transientConfig.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.simulate.transientanalysis.TransientConfig", Array(stopTime, timeStep, squareObject)) B4A Question JavaObject : restarting from the ground... - lemonisdead    Jul 30, 2015   (2 reactions) Hello,
Sorry as it will be a stupid question for many of you. I have decided to learn more seriously how to use JavaObject and choosed a really simple sample : getting the LoudSpeaker state (this because there is an example on developer.android). And you know what ? I am already lost.
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