B4A Tutorial DoEvents deprecated and async dialogs (msgbox) - Erel    May 28, 2017   (26 reactions)   tags: wait, UI dialogs instead. Using Wait For it is really a simple change: Instead of: Dim res As Int = Msgbox2... not responding) dialogs. Note that this is also true for the modal dialogs (such as Msgbox and... res = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then End If You should use: Msgbox2Async("Delete?"... Msgbox_Result (Result As Int) If Result = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then '... End If Wait For doesn... are: MsgboxAsync, InputListAsync and InputMapAsync. With the exception of MsgboxAsync, the new methods also add... B4A Question Weird ArchiverPlusZip and MsgboxAsync issue - JohnC    Mar 11, 2020 .Common.createMsgboxAlertDialog(Common.java:520) at anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.Msgbox2Async(Common.java:487) at anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.MsgboxAsync(Common.java:466....ZIP_RESULT_SUCCESS Then MsgboxAsync("There was an Error creating the Debug ZIP file... MsgboxAsync("Zip OK","ZIP") End If End Sub As you can see the error message... B4A Question [Solved] Trying to use Msgbox2Async in Activity_KeyPress - asales    Oct 12, 2019 I have this code ,which I want to show the message when the user press the back button (keycode_back): Sub Activity_KeyPress (KeyCode As Int) As ResumableSub If KeyCode = KeyCodes.KEYCODE_BACK Then Msgbox2Async("Do you need to click in the button!","Interruped", "Continue", "Cancel", "", Null, True) Wait For Msgbox_Result (Result As Int) If Result <> DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then Return True... B4A Tutorial [B4X] [XUI] Msgbox - Erel    Oct 19, 2017   (23 reactions)   tags: B4X XUI Msgbox, Wait For, XUI, MessageBox XUI library v1.4 adds support for asynchronous msgbox dialogs. The API is simple: https://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/SS-2017-10-19_15.27.39.png xui.MsgboxAsync("Hello", "World") The dialog is not a modal dialog. The code will not stop. MsgboxAsync and Msgbox2Async... the dialog to being dismissed: Wait For (xui.MsgboxAsync("Hello", "World")) Msgbox_Result (Result As Int) Msgbox2Async provides more options: https://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images... B4A Class [B4X] [XUI] AS MsgBox/Dialog - Alexander Stolte    Feb 24, 2024   (38 reactions)   tags: B4X XUI AS MsgBox/Dialog First, i spend a lot of time in creating views, some views i need by my self, but some views not and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me, then you can do it here by Paypal. :) Hello, I needed a cross platform msgbox and dialog, that I can modify to 100% and...") Msgbox("test","title") End If Wait For (ASMsgBox1.Close(True)) Complete (Closed As Boolean) AS MSGBox Author: Alexander Stolte Version: 1.1 ASMsgBox Events... B4J Question Show MessageBox on top of Parent Form regardless of Which Screen I move the Parent Form to - walterf25    Jul 12, 2024 Hi all, not sure if I'm not searching for the right thing but I was not able to find anything in the forums.
I have a B4J projec... B4A Question help needed: keep msgbox on screen when activity resumes - Zeev Goldstein    Sep 10, 2023 i need help... when my app is being pushed to the background for example due to incomming call or sms, and then i load it back either from desktop icon or task manager, any msgbox that was active on screen is gone is there a way to make sure it will be returned complely to the same view as it was before the interruption? if there was a msgbox on screen so the msgbox will still be on screen thanks... B4A Code Snippet Textsize and Colors of native MsgBox - Blueforcer    Sep 15, 2024   (13 reactions) of the messagebox 'here you can also set a custom msgbox size or use the constrains: -1 = MATCH_PARENT, -2 = WRAP_CONTENT 'use -1,-1 to get a Fullscreen msgbox jo.RunMethodJO("getWindow...These functions help to change the style of the native Android Msgbox Usage: Dim sf As Object = xui.Msgbox2Async("This is how to change the look of the native msgbox","Awesome","Yes","Cancel","No",Null) SetTextSize(sf,40,30,35) SetColorAndBorder(sf... B4i Code Snippet Msgbox with timeout - Erel    May 31, 2018   (4 reactions) A Msgbox that disappears automatically after the set timeout. The result is "Cancel".
Sub ShowMessageWithTimeout(text As String, timeout As Int) As ResumableSub
Dim sf As Object = Msgbox2("Msg", text, "Title", Array ("Yes", "No", "Cancel"))
Dim cancel(1) As Boolean
CheckForTimeout(sf, timeout, cancel)
Wait For Msg_Click... B4A Question Msgbox with timeout for B4A - peacemaker    Oct 10, 2019 Hi, All I cannot find on the forum :( . Found only for B4i. Kick me, please, to the right link. UPD: created the class... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |