B4A Tutorial B4A Social Network Version 1.30 - Xfood (first post)    
Jul 15, 2022   
(1 reaction)direct mysql
B4A Question [SOLVED]How i will connect to my MariaDB database using MSMariadb (getting Sub NOT FOUND: 'mysql_sta - DonManfred (first post)    
Jul 10, 2017   
(1 reaction)Again: use code tags when posting code!
db.Initialize("MySQL","","root","mypass","nameofdatabase") 'MySQL is the PREFIX of ALL Events of the Lib
Sub MySQL_Status(Connected As Boolean, ReConnecting As Boolean, RetriesLeft As Int)
End Sub
Please note that the IP is only access
link: db.Initialize("MySQL","","root","mypass","nameofdatabase") 'MySQL is just a name for sub i believe...
it's ok with event name but i
link: Ok i ve understand that i must add mysql_status sub.... because i ve the same name with example (query name)...
But why i am not connected at my db..
B4A Question Online DB Security (mySQL) - wonder (first post)    
Nov 02, 2015Hi Erel, thanks for the quick response.
Yes I am. What's the good practice method?
link: Are you connecting to the DB directly from the Android app (not a good practice)?
link: Hello DB gurus!
In my game HyperBloX, I'm using an online DB to store the highscores.
Everything works fine, no complaints here.
There is one thing,
B4J Question MS Sql or MySql/Maria DB? - amorosik (first post)    
Aug 08, 2021   
(1 reaction)"..embedding commercial binaries of MySQL software in their commercial applications.."
This mean include MySql on your application package
Where 'application package' is MyProgram+MySql
Then, to use MySql with your program, if your program is closed source, need a commercial license
link: sorry @LucaMs
we did a migration from Mysql to MariaDB of millions of records, and we have seen
link: it is very important to notice that mysql is not free, if you add mysql to your develpment process by the license you have to disclose all your code.
link: i love MS SQL, the dialect is very easy to understand and the license is also fairly easy to get.
You want non limited free non commercial? use deve
B4A Class mysql_php class - easy way to connect webservice (security https & gzcompress) - DonManfred (first post)    
Jul 09, 2017   
(1 reaction)this extension is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0,
Additionally you are suppressing any error.
link: Hi DonManfred
is true...i change to: mysqli_connect
the errors... i work in a new versions.... i want too put more sentences... (update....), now is r
B4J Question Would you recommend SQLite? - jroriz (first post)    
Feb 14, 2020   
(3 reactions)Verdict: MySQL
link: Hi,
SQLite is probably not the best choice as mySQL is free and provides a growth path if more than one concurrent users. mySQL is used in a lot of
link: I've been using MySQL for many years, for a local network application written in .NET.
I will install PostgreSQL.
I think it will be perfect for the P
link: I agree with the others, don't use Sqlite for a multiuser database.
I used MySQL 10 years ago and for transaction support you needed to use the InnoDb
B4A Library [Class] Flexible Table - vbmundo (first post)    
May 26, 2016No,
My Database is MySQL
link: I never loaded data from MySQL to B4x but I think that there should also be a MySql-builtin-function to format an internal datetime value into a strin
link: I am working with a MYSQL DB, PHP, and SQLite, I am bringing the data from mysql using PHP, then I show them in the table with this same class (table)
link: I use a non FREE MySQL lib to fill this tables...
I ask to you about a CLICK EVENT issue in your lib.. when you have a TABLE that exced the Screen s
B4A Tutorial MySQL: Load Excel Sheets (or other data) via .csv - manhof (first post)    
May 13, 2016This works also with sqlite?
link: Nice & easy: http://www.mysqltutorial.org/import-csv-file-mysql-table/
So you can import Excel sheets by saving as *.csv before or if you have files,
link: If you have a shell where you can use sqlite commands it's similar. On Android it can be done by generating insert commands
It's all about reading th
B4A Question Apps using MySQL: A Security Question - Erel (first post)    
Dec 25, 2015   
(1 reaction)Make sure to set all the important strings in Process_Globals. This way they will be obfuscated.
link: First: NEVER EVER include any userid's, pw's or any other data in your app (can easily be read),
This is a nice source for php and MySql: https://www
link: Hi there
What is the best way to securely include your connection details to an app that uses MySQL?
Whilst users will get registered on my app to u
Share My Creation [PHP] [MySQL] [API] User Login App - aeric    
Aug 16, 2024   
(31 reactions)Web API
Latest B4XPages user login client apps (using B4J server):
Older project:
94119 94118
Android App
link: Very Nice.
That's what I'm also developing right now, only I don't want to use PHP, but everything with B4J.
Security plays a big role.
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