B4A Library Preferences - Material Design Preferences - corwin42    Jul 21, 2024   (24 reactions) Create your Preference elements in PreferenceView_Ready() event.
See the example for detailed usage.
The example has minSdkVersion set to 14. This is because the MaterialDateTimePicker needs this. The Preference library itself will work with a minimal SDK version of 9.
The example projects additi B4A Tutorial PreferenceActivity tutorial - Erel    May 10, 2020   (12 reactions) File handling is done automatically. Note that when you reinstall an application (without uninstalling it) the files are kept so the settings will also be kept.
Each preference entry is stored as a key/value pair. The key is a string (case sensitive) and the value can be either a string or a boolea B4A Question PreferenceManager Library - Erel (first post)    Jun 11, 2020   (1 reaction) 1. Yes, it is called PreferenceActivity.
2. See the tutorial: https://www.b4x.-tutorial.10608/
3. Yes.
Tip: Check B4XPreferenceDialog. B4A Question Want animation of preference dialog - LucaMs (first post)    May 01, 2022   (2 reactions) Something like this:
Dim PrefDlg As PreferencesDialog
Dim Left, EndTop, Width, Height As Int
Width = 150dip
Left = (Root.Width - Width) / 2
PrefDlg.Initialize(Root, "Title", Width, Height)
Dim Data As Map = CreateMap()
Dim PDE As ResumableSub = PrefDlg.ShowDialog(Data B4A Library AdsHelper extends FirebaseAdMob2 / Google Mobile Ads v20.0+ - Erel (first post)    Apr 18, 2021   (2 reactions) You can parse the error message. It is a json string. Or: Dim ctxt As JavaObject ctxt.InitializeContext Dim Preferences As JavaObject Dim SharedPreferences As JavaObject = Preferences.InitializeStatic("android.preference.PreferenceManager").RunMethod("getDefaultSharedPreferences", Array(ctxt)) Di B4A Library fsPreferences ( PreferenceMenu + PreferenceManager) - Filippo    Nov 25, 2022   (13 reactions) Hi,
I hereby make my updated library available to all.
In the example all necessary functions are included.
The file "fsPreferences.xml" and "fsPreferences.jar" must be saved under "C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4a\Extern-Library" or similar.
You can make each entry dependent on another ent B4A Question MaterialPreferenceLibrary - corwin42 (first post)    Jan 20, 2017   (7 reactions) Ok, I'm now on some tests on a new Preference library.
Current Features:
ColorPreference (picker for predefined colors)
EditTextPreference (with full access to the EditText so setting InputType etc is no problem)
ListPreference (with 3 styles: simple menu, dialog and simple dial Bug? Preferencedialog date format - William Lancee (first post)    Oct 05, 2021   (1 reaction) There is a App-wide setting that is used whenever DateTime is used. All B4X libraries involving dates use it.
It also can be changed before DateTime is invoked (and changed back after if needed). The formats can be found in the intellisense prompt.
DateTime.DateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy" Bug? PreferenceManager (version 1.01) is not working properly on Android 11 - daniel69    Jan 07, 2022 With Android 11 on many devices the preference manager is not displaying any setting (apparently without generating any user visible error)... any suggestion or ideas? B4J Question PreferenceDialog - Options field - center/left/right - DarkoT    Jun 06, 2023 Hi, Need little help. I'm using a preference dialog which loads Json structure for input data and have little problem with displaying choice options. Is possible to define the position of the chosen option; now is the right aligned. Can I define the left, center, right alignment of choice item?
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